Good night

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by earlybaybob, Jun 7, 2015.

  1. I'm going to bed now.
  2. Warm my side up then. Be up in a bit.
    Lord Congi, Jack Tatty and snotty like this.
  3. hor licks time :)
  4. Ok but don't wake me up when you get in - I have an early start and a long day tomorrow.
  5. Horlicks makes me heave.
  6. suck it then
  7. Ok. Don't wake me up in the morning. Might pull a duvet day!
  8. Well if you are going to pull a sicky can you get some jobs done round the house.
    zed and Dicky like this.
  9. Also, don't forget I will be knackered when I get back so make sure there's something to eat.
    zed likes this.
  10. Sweet dreams
  11. last night I had a dream that I bought Chatsworth the stately home. Also something to do with racing cars.
  12. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Are you still awake?
  13. Yes :(
  14. get up them stairs right now
  15. Good job it wasent the chatsworth estate

    Lasty, Moons and earlybaybob like this.
  16. Already upstairs. Trouble is its so noisy here on TLB I cant settle...
  17. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    think I might turn in myself...
  18. Yes go to bed before you take 4k and a vintage dusty bin for your bus

  19. Now there is talking AND music :mad:
    Jack Tatty likes this.
  20. Well thats a different story why didnt you say
    Get yourself downstairs and open up a bottle of babycham
    Tmws just another day on the way to your death
    You could get run over by a bus tmw or a bmw

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