Fitting external Propex/Whale heater

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Dicky, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. pretty sure I read a while back that copper doesn't like right angles....or freedom to vibrate...'specially when you're running cold gas thru it in cold weather
  2. theBusmonkey

    theBusmonkey Sponsor

    nicktuft and Dicky like this.
  3. I used nice sweeping u vends when I installed mine.
    vanorak likes this.
  4. Interesting you should say that as i was considering running thne copper internally with a bulkhead fitting through the floor and a fulham nozzle with a flexible to the heater. And i believe that my friend is probably against accepted good practice athough it seem logical. A suppose to provide better protection you could pigtail the connection, as at least that only has 8mm each end and i dont think they are usually copper.

    Perhaps thats why the pipes are run diagonally in the pic and use fittings to turn.
  5. Cool!
  6. NICEIC are frankly a joke. They arent interested when a customer tries to come back at a contractor for shoddy work. I have experience in this area. That and the contrcators borrowing my regs and guidance notes as the inspector is due. I shall be rejoining the ranks of the electrically competent in February when i do my 17th edition. Never upgraded from 16th as i didnt really need it but i may be looking for a new role.

    As for gas safety qualifications then the only two people who passed their domestic gas safety ACOPS (many moons ago) were the two electricians who were on the course. Ie me and my mate. All the plumbers failed and they were all gas fitters. Makes you wonder.
    matty and vanorak like this.
  7. no reason why you couldn't run flexi externally....I'd run it thru some braided stainless* though, and clip it

    *or an old shower head flex
  8. Pig tails are braided flexes.
  9. Get you and your technical terminology....:p
    these days anything pig-related gets screened by my Cameron filter
    Dicky likes this.
  10. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    If you can remember last time you fitted flexi pipe onto a fitting, it doesn't need a clip until it's well past it's sell by date and gone hard. I used jubilee clips anyway - belt and braces. No solid in mine, I don't like all those joins. :)
    Lasty, fritt and Dicky like this.
  11. This is the fellow but you can buy premanufactured ones with 8mm solid pipe each end.
  12. I didn't know that...

    so I can bin this old shower head flex then?:D
    nicktuft likes this.
  13. No. I like the idea. It would be a wonderful addition to my steampunk gas cupboard.
    zed and vanorak like this.
  14. [​IMG]

    should fit nicely under the R n' R
    Dicky likes this.
  15. Nice cappuccino maker!
    yorkieman and vanorak like this.
  16. yorkieman likes this.

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