Fed up of the restrictions now.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Poptop2, Nov 8, 2020.

  1. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    You seem to have a chip on
    Your shoulder ( referring to people as ilk )so to clarify all these family’s are made up of “the young folk”? You have to switch on the track and trace or it is ineffective
    robmich likes this.
  2. Yes, we know, the app is switched on for contact tracing and is actively scanning.

    By ilk, I mean affluent, middle-aged professionals who have been maintained their social lives hroughout.

    And I'll worry about the chip on my shoulder when it gets as big as yours.
  3. I’m fed up with not seeing my friend
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2020
    Fruitcake, Meltman, Soggz and 2 others like this.
  4. My youngest son was contacted about three weeks or so ago by track and trace within about a day. Before he had finished his quarantine he was then contacted again as someone else he works with has registered positive so had another 14 days to do.
  5. .
  6. Freedom.

    The freedom I and others have actively perused throughout our lives.
    The freedom that others, stronger than me, have fought for.
    The freedom to be with others or to seek solitude, where ever and whenever.
    The freedom of fear and judgment.
    The freedom of the will of others.

    So, only one thing, then.
  7. Freedom nipper?
    With a smartphone that’s unlikely :)
    Lasty likes this.
  8. crossy2112

    crossy2112 Supporter

    Looks like it's Rush night :)
    Pony and Lasty like this.
  9. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    no chips here, you seem very angry at everything and everyone else

    you said all the young folk ?? Now it’s the middle aged too ??
    The app is only switched on by the user , if it’s not then it can’t work , the app works perfectly in principle.
  10. No, I didn't say the young folk, you've got that wrong. Have a look back through your posts and you'll see the chip clear enough - you know best it seems, got all the answers.
  11. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    lots of answers indeed, but non using derogatory terms like ilk, as if you’re better than them, chip / shoulder , the you g folks was indeed someone else that you quoted earlier
  12. Err, I quoted your post, and made no comment that implied young people are to blame.

    And the meaning of ilk is "a type of person or thing similar to one already referred to" it's not a derogatory meaning so please dont imply that it was.
  13. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    and my post was a quote of someone else’s that you then quoted , like I said it was someone else’s post

    never heard Ilk used in any other context than this

    Ilk is a certain type of person, usually a type you don't care for. The word is used in sentences like "I'm tired of you and your ilk! When you say "you and your ilk," you mean "you and everyone just like you." And that's not usually meant in a nice way.
  14. Ok, last reply from me as you seen determined to decide the context and tone of my post.

    I replied to your post that seemed to be disputing the blame being on young uns. My reply actually agreed with that, refering to a family that my son is friendly with, continuing with their social lives throughout all this. I didn't give their age group but assumed it was obvious that they were not young uns, I clarified it when you mistook that.

    Ilk can be used in both contexts, I used it as a comparison of others sharing the same lifestyle, which you assumed, incorrectly, was derogatory.
    davidoft likes this.
  15. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    @Purple and @davidoft does it really matter who's wrong and who's right the thread was about who's fed up with the restrictions now not who's to blame, let's all go down to my shed, smoke a big head, kiss and be friends :thumbsup::thumbsup:
    Soggz, Norris, Fruitcake and 7 others like this.
  16. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Timmy Thomas time I think
    Merlin Cat likes this.

  17. Social distancing is not common place

    The so called lockdown is a farce..:rolleyes:

    The 4 adjacent houses to us in our street,

    With people who should know better,
    I've known them all for 15yrs +
    It's an affluent area,
    no where near inner city depravation
    no one's in a bedsit or skint..;)

    This Saturday,
    every neighbour had friends or family visiting,

    All going indoors,
    some for for hours,
    Some staying the night..o_O

    What a shower of ....!!!
  18. Faust

    Faust Supporter

    Another 3 weeks of lockdown and we can get more freedom back and we must still abide by the 3 big rules .
    A vaccine seems from what we hear does not seem over to far off ...Hopefully .
    We still get food and quite a lot of people with underlying complications get food delivered ...either by kind friends or Tesco and the like .
    We can still have booze, buy or delivered .
    We still can get out to walk if you are not to far from the countryside . I know this must be extremely difficult for people living in city's and built up areas .
    They are trying times at the moment . But what helps me is when i think of my old grandad who was in the trenches from 1914 all the way to 1918 and a POW from Feb 1918 until armistice , and the memories of being in a murdering S hole for four years .
    We will get there in the end folks, we just have to stick in there .
  19. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    Smells fishy to me...
  20. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Is it not possible to go for walks in city’s then?

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