Covering your steering wheel in string

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MrGrey, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. 36.7614 mtrs
  2. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    1 chain and 3 rods
  3. 100 Mtrs
  4. Close with 1 chain and 3 rods

    But metric please and to the nearest metre C:)
  5. 48m?
  6. Equals 35 ISH mtrs
  7. oooooo! we love a good competition on here. I guess 6 metres.
  8. 5 metres
  9. Major hangover is close-ish

    But come on TLBers! You can do better than that
  10. dog

    dog Tea Boy

  11. COLD very COLD Dog
  12. Two balls. :thinking:
  13. dog

    dog Tea Boy

  14. Seven thousand miles ;)

    Dog is the winner!!!

    45m exactly

    PM me your address and I will send you your quality Tiki gift

    (remember its hand crafted by myself)
  16. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    48.5 meters
  17. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    ha ha, excellent, bet that took her ages!
    just like my million guesses! ;)
  18. use thicker string. ;)
  19. She says an hour and a half

    Cheers for the Karma ;D
  20. Errrrm how do you know ?? How much on a ball?? did you measure the ball?? the amount you had left?? or run your pedimeter round it? 1 rod 5mtrs approx!! 1 CHAIN = 4 rods , urm 1 chain 3 rods was close?? (bum steer) = 7 RODS 7x 5 = 35 , not even no where near 45 :)) Doooooow

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