Closing down for winter

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Luca, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. Lots of good advice on here. I am in the 'use it at least every couple of weeks' brigade. I often commute in it, to give it a run. When on the drive, it will be under a maypole breathable cover, with an electric dehumidifier going inside.

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  2. Dazza

    Dazza Eyebrow not high brow

    I have mine hooked up to the mains most of the time, in the winter I plug a little 2kw fan heater in and switch it on for an hour every now and again...along with a cheap moisture trap..
    mgbman likes this.
  3. Honestly some of the best trips out I’ve had in the bus were in autumn and winter

    You have more of the countryside to your self because it’s out of the tourist season

    When other people that have been out on a winter walk sit in there cars soaking wet drinking stewed tea from a vacuum flask

    And you’ve shut the curtains in the bus got into a dry set of clothes stuck the kettle on and the cheese on your toast is bubbling under the grill

    That’s when you realise how great these old vehicles are and how great it is to be out in them regardless of time of year

    I think a car port is the best place to store a bay in between regular use
    Surfari, mikedjames, Sick Boy and 4 others like this.
  4. Your a games of thrones fan then?
    Luca likes this.
  5. I agree, its much better to be out and about and enjoy the winter, just wrap up warm. enjoy the wildlife, I do a lot of walking and bird watching in the winter months, stuck indoors is not for me.

    Countryside or the beach are good for days out, you don't have to camp to enjoy our vans. as said, much quieter and few people so you get the place to yourself and when its rough, sit in the van and have a brew up.

    Brighton Breeze was a windy and rainy day this year but everyone went out and about and popped back to their vans to dry off and have a hot drink and a bacon sandwich or sat eating the local fish and chips and it was a great day.

    I think that's why a lot of folks get depressed in the winter months because they stick indoors and get bored. So, cold day, sun shining, take the van out.
    snotty likes this.
  6. who has a grill??
  7. Me
    I wouldn’t be without one
    That’s the main problem with the modern interiors with flush smev hobs
    scrooge95 likes this.
  8. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  9. Use and abuse it!
    I drive mind at least every couple during the winter, just avoid periods when the roads have just been salted

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  10. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

    Mine lives on my driveway and there’s really not enough space between my house and next door to get the supports for a car port. I’ve thought about getting a cover, but I don’t really want the hassle of taking it off every time I want to use the van, and I’m mindful of the condensation / trapped water issues, so the best thing for me is to fire Clem up and use him every week or two throughout the winter. It’s a great excuse to get out and about on the weekends when spring seems a million miles away. And dammit I’ve got a propex heater in there now (thanks @Lasty and @Dazza and techenders ) so even better. Would seem a shame to miss out on a beautiful crisp winter morning because I wouldn’t be arsed to get the cover off.
    Dazza, snotty, Lasty and 1 other person like this.
  11. Faust

    Faust Supporter

    Some one else told me to ...apply it generously on my arse to prevent flaking ...certainly worked for me . It's those simple things that all ways work :thumbsup:
    mgbman and Barry Haynes like this.
  12. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Absolutely in a nut shell, a cover is a right pain in the arse and will stop you using your bus, wash it, wax it, drive it:thumbsup:
    Day, snotty and scrooge95 like this.
  13. I agree with Wilf
    I always garage mine for the whole winter
    But I don't run it at all
    It stays in secure garage facility which has dehumidifier and battery conditioning charger thing
    I use a marine grade fuel additive
    It will stay in there until next summer
    I'm not driving mine around in the winter no!
    I have done the same thing for years with no problems
    The same as many classic car owners do
    Faust and Pickles like this.
  14. Love the SM next door, the owner of the garage I go to for MOT's has one. Absolutely bonkers but one of my all time fave cars:thumbsup:
  15. This. Covers are such a pain in the bum, you won’t bother to drive it. Jump in, drive. Everything’ll heat up and dry off.

    It’s an old 70s delivery van, not a vintage Bugatti...
    taiga79, mgbman and Barry Haynes like this.
  16. Is that local?
  17. must have cost a small fortune for storage over the years.
  18. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Covers are only a pain in the ass if you want them to be.
    It takes about 5 minutes to put on, 2 minutes to take off. The benefits outweigh the bugger factor imho.
    agaric likes this.
  19. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    I see what you’re saying and I agree it doesn’t take long to take off and put back on but I know personally if it was covered I wouldn’t use it for the daily school run,or a drive to the shops for a pint of milk, which I do now
    snotty likes this.
  20. crossy2112

    crossy2112 Supporter

    If we had one I would use a good local taxi company for that :D

    Me and Mrs C taking ours down the Strines this afternoon :thumbsup:

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