Bugger. I've dropped my starter bush in engine

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Sproggy4830, Jul 22, 2017.

  1. Yours will be the earlier switch with soldered on wires.
  2. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    When you do the ignition switch DONT DROP THE SCREW. Its a grubscrew with a long nose and its unique.
    I dropped mine but used a magnet on the tarmac driveway to find it..
    Bring a polytarp to lay under the cab as you wont find it in the grass at Techenders!

    I found my slightly younger bus built Oct t 1973 had massive grooves in the ignition switch contacts when I took it apart in an effort to bodge it...

    GSF sold me a strange switch the first time the barrel looks the same but the switch detent positions were wrong because it had an accessory position as well as start and run..

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