Break-Up :(

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by b0dyr0ck2006, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Wow, so my life suddenly has a bit hole in it and I feel empty. Didn't think that was going to happen. Just notice the plant we bought together that has been lovely and green for 9 years, this morning is all yellow and dying. How is that for a symbol of the moment?

    Blurgh, man up, poker face time. :thumbsup:
  2. Throw it out :thumbsup:
    Have a shower then some lunch time drinking with your mates.
  3. On the plus side, camps will be more fun this year. Look out ladies here I come. :lol:
  4. Sorry to here this mate hope you feel better soon
  5. At least you can buy shiny stuff for your van and not worry about justifying it! Hope everything goes well for you :thumbsup:

    Get a dog for company :smiley_dog_kiss:
  6. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Got a job yet ?
  7. Sorry to hear about your troubles, I'm sure you'll come out the other side OK. Hope the kiddy is OK with it all, will he be living with you?
  10. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    ^ aint that the truth, just sods law eh :(
  11. I went though something like this 2 years ago, split up, had a house, a dog.. I have no met a girl I am going to marry in 3 months.. I know its crazy but its unbelievable whats around the corner.
  12. Just seen this thread. Nothing to really add or advice I can give, but I wish you and your son all the very best.
  13. After the rain comes the sun 8)
  15. I'm in the same boat as you all of a sudden but for different reasons. My wife died 19th Dec leaving me and the 3 kids. House seems very empty but need to adjust, cherish our times and work on building a new life whatever form that may take. One thing is for sure I'm gonna have fun and treasure every day! Thinking of you and I'm sure things will work out. Loved the quip to Tiny-Pie lol
  16. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  17. Just wanted to say best of luck with it all -sorry to hear your news
  18. Aarrrggghhh. She is trying to kick me out.
  19. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  20. stay calm bud , Its both of your house after all , try and talk about it and see if you can work something out to suit you all.I expect others are havin their say but stay calm. :(

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