Are new Citroens as bad as they seem?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by top banana racing, May 5, 2015.

  1. Discuss.....
  2. in what way do they seem bad?

    are they worse than any other new cars?
  3. I've no idea but I've seen a couple lately with rubber pyramids on the sides. Looks bloody ridicilous
  4. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    The DS3 is a brilliant car, I had one for a year, the only downside was the lack of Sat Nav in mine. It was very comfortable to drive, very easy to drive, the kids got too big to fit in the back and moaned a lot!

    I'd definitely have another one :D
  5. Buy a Golf.
    matt likes this.
  6. The Citroens in our family have gone for ever. However, all the plastic bits fall to pieces if you give them a hard stare.
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  7. Buy a Golf
  8. Dunno about new ones but the Citroens I've had have been fabulous cars.

    Woefully and painfully unreliable but otherwise fabulous:eek:
  9. Just buy a Golf.
  10. Yeah but Golfs are boring;)
    Iain McAvoy likes this.
  11. Fixed!
    philntfc likes this.
  12. And ferkin expensive!
    philntfc likes this.
  13. You get what you pay for...

    I'm still mentally scarred by having once owned a Pug 405 from new. What a creaking pile of poorly-assembled toot.
  14. Those Citroen Cactus things look bizarre with that rubber stuff on the sides - reminds me of this rubber coated Sheffield University building:


    We drove a C3 Picasso on holiday and it was rather nice and a colleague at work has had 3 of them now - loves 'em ..
  15. Get a Golf.
  16. As a hire car - fine. However I don't think I'd ever want to actually own one.

    If you can't afford a Golf, buy a Seat - same thing but less expensive, and without the Skoda "VWs for mean people" tag.
    paradox likes this.
  17. Get an Alfa.
    philntfc likes this.
  18. Get an audi.
    MorkC68 likes this.
  19. Open the bonnet on our skoda and everything is VW its just skoda on the outside
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  20. Then you will really find out how much garages charge. Love our A4 Avant but no way would I own one. The servicing costs are astronomical.
    snotty likes this.

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