Anyone else struggling to stay chipper?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, Feb 8, 2017.

  1. It's been a big struggle for me this winter and it seems to be keeping me pinned quite well even though I've done
    Lots outdoors
  2. Come on Para ... Chin up lad :thumbsup:
    You live in a lovely part of the world , i moved from the dales on my doorstep down to `that London`.

    Lovely relationship but .....

    It`s London ffs ;)

    Count your blessings sunshine and get the bus to Techenders :D

  3. Days are drawing out though
    6.45. The sky was glowing the other morning
    And at 5.30 pm I sat in a barn with bats skimming my head

    Sorry if I'm para waffling
    Just struggling atm
    Sick Boy, jivedubbin and Flakey like this.
  4. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    All is well, no reason to be down :hattip:
    paradox and Lasty like this.
  5. nicktuft

    nicktuft Supporter

    Sounds like you're chipper with the right attitude anyway.
    What's the problem..
    paradox likes this.
  6. It's the lack of light and miserable weather, mate. I'm only just starting to come out of SAD mode. Soon be spring!
  7. Days getting lighter really fast. Daffodils starting to shoot, won't be long now:)
    paradox, scrooge95 and snotty like this.
  8. Dubs

    Dubs Sponsor supporter extraordinaire

    Soon be spring Para! The Paravan will soon be cruising and wowing everyone with its Tractor enamel. :thumbsup:
    art b and paradox like this.
  9. I know the feeling, I've got loads to be happy and thankful about at the moment, yet I'm finding it tough to get a good night's sleep, too much going on in my head, mixed with tinnitus and wasting the evenings sitting about feeling too tired to find the enthusiasm to get out in the dark and do something

    Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
    Sick Boy, Valveandy and paradox like this.
  10. Dubs

    Dubs Sponsor supporter extraordinaire

    I'm suffering from allotment deprivation at the moment... too dark by the time I finish work, and Sundays tied up with dull stuff... roll on spring!
    paradox and snotty like this.
  11. I'm OK, I've been doing lots n lots of really nice drugs and I feel like I'm wrapped up in oceans of cotton wool and tissue paper...
    Merlin Cat, Sick Boy, Zebedee and 7 others like this.
  12. When you come down again you might find your in A&E!
  13. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

    It's dark when I go to work and it's dark when I get home again, and I don't even see my garden in daylight for 5 out of 7 days every week.
    On the weekends i rush round trying to cram everything I have to do into 2 days, and they're over before I've even sat down - or at least that's what it feels like.
    But it is getting lighter at both ends of the day, and there's leaf and blossom buds beginning to form on the trees at work, daffodils poking their heads above the ground, and the snowdrops are beautiful.
    It's been largely a cold winter, rather than a wet one which is always good if you work outdoors, so I'm not complaining.... but I will be happy to see the end of it now, get some warmth in my bones, and get back out in the fresh air for pleasure rather than just work.
    It's on it's way.
    Merlin Cat, smeato, Flakey and 3 others like this.
  14. Have a rest from life ,get yourself a magnet and a bit of rope....:hattip:
  15. I did I ordered one yesterday.
    Now to get rid off this damm cold I've had on and off since last October.
    lost-en-france likes this.
  16. Yes. Ive been unusually gloomy this year, which isn't me at all. Could be my loathsome toad of a boss though. Or it cd be winter...
    Yesterday I read something though that I'm trying. Darwin first spotted it! That if you smile it sends signals to your brain which then releases endorphins. 'We don't only smile because we're happy, we're happy because we smile. '
    So try it. Walk round the house with a daft grin on your face. Smile at strangers in your local shop. It might just work.
    Try not to get arrested though.
    Merlin Cat, Flakey, Sick Boy and 5 others like this.
  17. matty

    matty Supporter

    Yep It the worst time of year for me all the gray and mud about made worse by a big relapse with the ME after Christmas so can't wait to get camping and soak up the energy.
    Merlin Cat and Cheesy Wotsit like this.
  18. yes, i suffer this time of year too. positives are the days now getting longer. i find it helps putting things in the diary - plan your camping trips, holidays etc so you can see these ahead of you.

    i also have a lousy cold that hasn't shifted in two weeks - will feel better when that's gone. Feb is a short month so won't be long and we'll be in march then daffodils start showing and clocks go foward :)
    Merlin Cat and Sick Boy like this.
  19. Sun shining, birds singing...well at least they were the day before yesterday so there is hope. :)
  20. Louey

    Louey Moderator

    In the winter I revert to my Winter route for my cycling commute - it is the boring type of route that uses all of the gritted roads and through the suburbs. On Tuesday it was light enough when I left work to take the countryside route :) - yes it will still be cold but we are nearly there. I hope soon to see the new born lambs on one of these brighter mornings.

    It is annoying having to fit everything into the weekend, though I've been lucky to have got away a few times over the winter and I shall during half term.
    nicktuft and Sick Boy like this.

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