Would you try to blag it?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rickyrooo1, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Id take it back and start being a criminal :lol:
  2. No ,i'm sure it has to be a pre booked appointment at the near'est station , not which ever one you fancy,
    As for the tax thingy ,not saying you should but i wouldn't give it a second thought ,pay the tax and off i'd go
    Wouldn't miss a weekend away over the odd day,s tax when i had just paid for it.

  3. if your camper has just passed the test I would go for the six months...:D

    My last journey in my transit from your fair shores I ran out of tax and mot the day before the ferry sailed....Of course they searched the van before the ferry and one eagle eyed searcher noticed my tax disc..:oops: The older and wiser searcher decided to wave me on ,but I had already s****e myself...:rolleyes:
    the bugcatcher and Majorhangover like this.
  4. My old LHD Bay had no tax for years. The reg was MUG399P. I had German looking plates made that said MÜ G3 3 9P. Just put on a German accent and looked confused when I got stopped. Worked for years but these days it's all computerised so you can't rely on thick Plod.
    the bugcatcher likes this.
  5. Blag it defo. Just say it it is booked for an MOT. Or phone a garage near the sight then book and cancel a mot test. Bit of a bad move to the garage owner I know but would make the journey a bit more of an adventure.
  6. one camper sieze due to no road tax, your insurance will prob be void cause technically your bus aint legally on the road. 220 sheets i know,
    sign the petition for the 25 yr rule...
  7. I think you can blag it for about a month after your disk runs out because you can still buy one so your disks will have consecutive dates on them, so techincally you have not evaded anything. failing to display a disk might still be a problem, though not as serious. I wouldn't drive on a SORN though co cars have APNR cameras that make it very easy for them to find out.
  8. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    The offence is failing to display.
  9. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

    Hello Hello Hello:thumbsup:
  10. Good idea ,when we come over in the car we have no tax ,I am sure there is a dodge somewhere...:thumbsup:
  11. [​IMG]

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