Which way do you sleep in your Van?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by PeterW3035, Nov 29, 2013.


Which way round do you sleep in your Van?

  1. Head to rear over engine bay

  2. Head towards cab

  3. In the pop up roof

    0 vote(s)
  4. On the floor with the dog

  5. Some other interesting position, please explain !!!

  1. broom handle thru some rope and tied off on pop support , similar to water skiing lol and folds out way nicely too , old fart tip :D
  2. No no no no, does this mean I have to join that club that I wont say and avoiding to join. . . .
  3. Depends where from i spose
  4. can be used for other activity's by younger members , no responsibility taken for freak accidents or strangulation i must add , errm age and pension cert reqd :D
  5. NO satsumas were injured in the writing of this thread!
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  6. Has anyone ever butchered a 'Craftmatic' Bed for bus duties? Looks pretty simple:[​IMG]
  7. Ewwwwwwwwwww!
  8. sorry but you started it!
  9. wtf is that?
  10. 'Tis the underside of a Craftmatic adjustable bed...just trying to tempt @paradox and @Paul Weeding into doing an electric rock n' roll;)
  11. rock and roll is electric dude!
  12. rock and roll is electric dude!
  13. 2 linear actuators... they pull the rollers up, lifting the base.

  14. depends on the weather...
    head to the rear if its warm
    but if its cold a little bit of spooning might be in order (whoops letting secrets out)......;);)
  15. Speaking of Rock n roll....
  16. show off! lol
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  17. Why add extra weight and complexity to somthing thats simple but effective
    Youll be talking about electric window conversions next
  18. used to be head towards cab but kept losing my pillow - so now head towards engine bay.
  19. I've just read through all of this and can't believe that no-one else sleeps head to toe as Mrs Fishtrousers and I do.
    We have only a 3/4 rock n roll and find that thin end to thick end gives us a load more sleeping space and early morning wake up sex is much more exciting too.
    PeterW3035 likes this.
  20. All depends how *******ed I got , some times never got in the van o_O

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