West End Shows

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Moons, Aug 26, 2013.

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  1. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Do you know any good plumbers?
  2. [quoa"poptop2, post: 470239, member: 58"]Do you know any good plumbers?[/quote]
    Why are you leaking ??
  3. Jersey boys
  4. Allo Allo
  5. Ive never aimed to offend hurt or annoy anyone with my late night ramblings
    Yes i may come online around the midnight hour and spout utter ***** and yes i do cringe when i wake up in the morning
    I can understand how for some long term members my behaviour may be repetative and boring to them but i dont force anyone to read or reply to my posts
    Im told theres an ignore button on the forum if there is please feel free to use it to ignore me

    Moons i know you dont dislike me and i am thankfull for the career and job advice you have given me over time
    Just as i am thankfull for others advise that has helped me along
    Its been a usefull insight whilst i think about my future
    Just because i havent shown imediate progress doesent mean im not thankfull for your advice or that it hasent help me progress in my day to day life

    One thing all of you have done through your advice and freindship and love on this forum
    Is help me to rebuild my self confidence that was severly lacking

    I just get the feeling now im doing reasonably well im getting niggled at

    Im not perfect and have never claimed to be

    Yes i need to grow up a bit
    Maybe i shouldent post when ive had a drink
    I do understand not everyone will see things the way i see them and i understand i dont see things the way everyone else does
    steveagain, Mrs Moosey, dog and 4 others like this.
  6. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    That's freaky. I was thinking about her the other week. And that's a lovely dress she is wearing.
  7. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Para - this has never been about liking you or disliking you, I've not met you and wouldn't use a forum as a gauge on something with so many factors - am I surprised that some people need to run this down that avenue and mention friends and family, not really, I'm not the clearest of writers so I can understand that reaction.

    It's hard to have a go at someone obviously liked and well thought of - whilst I'm not fussed on being liked, that's not the same as saying I want to be unpopular either, however, probably like a few who have had a crack at helping, I felt I needed to say something. Some people simply can't be arsed, some don't want to spoil the equilibrium, some find it hard to say, maybe a few are exasperated - I have the benefit of being here a while and not having that much to loose to be honest. It takes a good friend to support you when times are hard, it really takes a good friend to tell you you are being a knob (I'd love to suddenly be emblazoned with that t-shirt - but that's not me in this instance - it is however many of your old and new friends here, it really is).

    A couple of weeks ago you got pegged on here by someone that didn't know who you were - and it was interesting to watch people old and new effectively rally around. In amongst the bones and debris, was actually a couple of valid point that were missed.

    Since then there have been a few posts where it's hard to not conclude you are asking for trouble - unsure if that is obvious to you or not. I can see that you get strength from the support you have here - however, you need to be careful that that need to hear it starts to feel like a test for the rest of us each week - do we all stand up again and support you. It can be an effort on heart and soul to put a hand on your knee and tell you the world is a nice place (apologies for massive oversimplification - hard to convey a complex 'thing'), when we all take a battering but that same non fluffy world.

    More recently when people have started to try and convey their frustration, you've got a bit shirty - again, unsure if you can see that - but from my point of view that's how it looks.

    Do I think you let yourself down with some of the ramblings - yes.

    As you say, we all see a different perspective and I admire the more jocular people here that can raise a glass in effect with you - whilst I am not knocking those people, I think it does you no good at all. You don't progress as it's not obvious you need to.

    I'm not going to pretend that my posts are all about my wanting to help you, in effect it hurts me more than you as that's patently not true - some of it is simply 'not this again' but some of it genuinely is 'this isn't good for you'.

    At this point a dozen people who actually know about depression etc fall of their chair and I'm immediately off the mung bean casserole serving at the next get together.

    Which leads me to my main point - it's hard to step lightly around someone if they insist on putting such plainly important to them stuff online for all to see - it's hard to know what's fair game, hard to know what actually hurts you. I don't feel equipped, am not qualified - which makes dealing with these posts hard.

    This is't my site, not my place to edit or hinder - I expect my thoughts and opinions to be fair game - just as everyone else's are. How can I tell if you are feeling 'got at' or not with what I type? Me - I share what I don't mind having ripped up a bit, not because I think people are nasty buggers, more because it means I can stop them stepping on the landmine to me a joke to them soft spot by accident.

    I'm glad you are still here and still plugging away - power to you - believe it or not I would have felt bad had you packed things up.

    Fairly bad.

    Bad for a little while.

    Eventually I'd have got over it mind, may well have been distracted in time, possibly some other nutter might have come along that wants to live a la Stig of the Dump.

    What you type people judge - whether you like it or not so you need to have a thought about what you are saying to that audience because some days they don't care about it as much as you do.

    Incidentally - the 'am I a hippy' threads are no where near as good as the 'do hippy's know what soap is' threads - you should do more of them as you have a unique perspective.
    JennyB, bernjb56, dog and 1 other person like this.
  8. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    I dug her number out - 01 811 8055

    Looks like she survived the Cheggars experience fairly unscathed. On the outside.
  9. If im honest and it now seems to have become an lets be honest thread

    Yes i dont do myself the best favours by posting what i post on this forum i agree with that
    However i have spent many years holding my feelings and thoughts inside and not telling anyone
    This had a very negative effect on me
    I found the late bay years ago and it was a strange place but no one judged and it allowed me to express my self and allowed me to be me not only online but at shows etc

    I could see from peoples faces that they didnt agree but they gave love as i was harmless and gave love back

    In all complete honesty if it wasent for certain late bay members i would have attempted to kill myself a few times over

    Thanks to the support,freinship and love of this forum and its members i never did that and im now here to live another day

    I do appologise if im a bit needy sometimes or a bit boring othertimes but i can promise each and everyone of you

    If you were broken down at the side of the road i would try my best to get you going again and you would be welcome to a meal and a drink from me

    Moons dude im sure once we meet round a fire we would hit it off its hard to converse properly online but the flicker of the fire eases social wories
    steveagain likes this.
  10. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I just finished my popcorn too.
    Silver likes this.
  11. So no go on the fridge then
    Moons and Mrs Moosey like this.
  12. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    ok, so i think all that needs to be said has been said now so i'm going to lock this up!
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