Urban myths that make you smile... or not.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Poptop2, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. over 18" :eek:
    zed likes this.
  2. It still sends a shiver down your spine even now....:eek:

    the other one was about the guy driving down a country lane (always a country lane:rolleyes:) and it's absolutely lashing down.....he sees the figure of a lady up ahead, so he pulls over and asks her where she's going, and if she'd like a lift....she's totally drenched and freezing cold, so she jumps in and the guy gives her his coat to wrap up. They continue on their way....the guy asks her where she's going and she says he can drop her off in the next village a few miles further....it turns out this is where he's staying in a B & B....Anyway, they get chatting and and eventually arrive in the village....she says "You can drop me here, just by the church....I'm not far from here"....so he pulls over and gets out to open her door....as she's getting out she starts taking the borrowed coat off, and he says "No....keep hold of it.It's still raining....Anyway, I'm staying at the Pub tonight so I can pick it up tomorrow, no problem".

    The following morning, as he's having his breakfast he strikes up a conversation with the landlord, and tells him about the girl he saw in the lane...as he's describing her, the landlord starts going pale..and asking him for more detail....what she was wearing....what colour dress....
    He goes into the back-room and comes back with a old photo and tentatively shows the guy...."Yep! that's her, really pretty too"
    The landlord starts trembling and says, "no you must be mistaken....She's my daughter....this was taken 2 years ago...She was wearing that dress the night she was knocked down and killed on the lane" They both start freaking out, thinking it can't be...it's just a sad coincidence, so the guy says, " let's go any find this girl that I gave a lift to last night and put paid to it"

    So they both jump in the car and drive to the spot where he dropped her off...."She said she lives right by the church..."
    "That can't be right" says the landlord, "there's no houses, other than the rectory, and there's no girl lives there, that I know of"

    They park up, walk up to the rectory and knock on the door. when the vicar comes to the door he recognizes the landlord and says "Ah! John! Good to see you...it's funny...I was going to pop over this afternoon to return your coat"
    "What coat?" asked the landlord
    "This one" says the vicar taking it off the hook...
    "That's my coat!" says the lodger..."I lent it to the blond girl who lives here.....I gave her a lift last night...I dropped her off just there" pointing to the spot where he'd left her.
    "I'm sorry" says the Vicar, perplexed "There's no blond girl living here...it's just me and my wife" He shouts for his wife and she comes to the door looking a bit puzzled. "Anne" says the vicar, "Do you know anything about a blond girl? This gentleman says he gave her a lift last night and she told him that she lives here....at the rectory?"
    "No" she says "there's no one I can think of"
    "Well how come you got my coat? I lent it to her last night...?"
    "This coat?" she says "I thought it belonged to you" she says pointing at the landlord.
    "What makes you say that?" he asks
    "Well...I was doing some weeding round the plots, this morning and it was right there, hanging over Susan's headstone...so I brought it in to dry....I just assumed you'd forgotten it":eek:
    Poptop2 likes this.
  3. John Holmes never went metric. :D
  4. Got a link? :)
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  5. Umm. Not on here. :D
  6. I avnt seen the ones of the misses you spoke about yet either ooops is this pm:oops:
    oscar likes this.
  7. Yeah your on PM barn. Have you noticed these new mods they got?
    Ones an alcky, even makes his own! Another one deals in drugs! And the other, well....hubba! ;) :D
  8. no who are they then:eek:
  9. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    He picked the girl up at the Mersey tunnel in the version I heard.
  10. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

  11. Those stories are great to tell the kids as they go to bed! And don't forget to tell them not to look under the bed!!
    I'll Marmite my son up with the second one tonight :0)
    vanorak likes this.
  12. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    That's true, it was actually my head.
  13. The little arrow (if present) next the the pump symbol tells you which side the filler is. Yours is pointing to the left, so filler on the left.

  14. I thought that story was going to be the one where a guy stops to pick a woman up who has broken down only to have another driver follow him all the way home flashing his lights.
    When the guy stops the other car pulls in behind him lights on full beam so he gets out to see what is going on and the other driver tells him that he was trying to warn him about the man that got into the back of the car while he was picking the woman up!
  15. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    Two for the iPhone users amongst us.

    There is now an App you can download which makes your iPhone waterproof. *

    If your iPhone battery is dying you can phone 999 and it gives the battery a power boost to keep your phone working for longer. *

    * Either or both of these facts may not be completely, or even partially true.

    The poster will not accept responsibility for water damage to iPhones however caused.

    The poster will not be responsible for any legal difficulties caused by making inappropriate emergency calls.
  16. True on my Passat little arrow points right, fuel filler on right
  17. Medical proof where children are born by cesarian rather than by natural birth. They develop problems later in life when travelling in cars.
    It has been observed that these children try to exit the car via the sun roof!!!

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