Silent gliss rails

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by chrisgooner, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Just put most of of my new bargain priced silent gliss rails in my bus. The only area I haven't done is the inside of the slider. Anyone got any photos, tips or advice on best place to put the rail on the inside slider rail.

    Mucho grassyarse
  2. I gave up on that idea and use a wire that goes on the slidy door.

    I think @physiopro has curtain rails that are riveted to the track and follow the curve.
    hailfrank and chrisgooner like this.
  3. any good chris [​IMG][​IMG]
    chrisgooner likes this.
  4. its bent round sliding door shut , front curtain covers half windscreen on passenger side then follows round n bends round then overlaps side curtain rail if you get ?? @chrisgooner
    chrisgooner likes this.
  5. On Colin it was similar to Barneys, But i put the rails in quite high

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
    Lardy and chrisgooner like this.
  6. yeh you could prob put yours higher chris like daves , mine has to fit under bunk so.
    chrisgooner likes this.
  7. I think it depends on the length of your curtains?
    chrisgooner likes this.
  8. good point dave :D
  9. if they were short it would be good for peeking :D
    chrisgooner likes this.
  10. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    Here's mine Chris. Ignor the tatty headlining.

    The rail doesn't bend around the lump but goes fairly straight across, wheyou draw the curtain it needs gently drawing over the bump but it end up butting up to the cab curtain. We tuck the bottom under a net wire screwed to the door under the window to make the curtain follow the angle of the van.

    To be honest I don't think mine is the best solution as you need to untuck the bottom of the curtain before opening the door. If I changed it, or was installing a new one I'd simply use a magnetic curtain for the slider so the door would open and close with the curtain still drawn.


    Edit: Dunno what's up with my pics?

    Edited edit: sorted.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
    chrisgooner likes this.
  11. Thanks guys, bit a dilema for me. Having a tintop with a birch ply roof I can't go too high without fixing to the wood which I don't want to do. I looked at fixing to the curve of the slider but the metal seems quite thin and I don't want screws to go through and foul the slider plus it looks a nightmare to bend it without squashing the gliss track.

    Plenty to think about, cheers men :thumbsup:
  12. put ya gliss hook sliders in then the locking ones n then gradually bend with a limp wrist :D or find sumat to bung up the rail its ali so it will bend ok aslong as you dont over do it , do you need any other pics ??
  13. Nice one Barn, good tip, I think I'll manage it with my limp wrists :eek:
    Working tomorrow so I'll have a crack on Friday, I'll update with my solution :thumbsup:
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  14. i know you like to bend it :D
    chrisgooner likes this.
  15. Like Barney said, I put in a few sliders, spaced them slightly then bent the rail to the contour of the slider bit. The sliders unstop the rail creasing. If you think about what you're doing, put the rail to the door and imagine how it's going to fit you'll do it easy enough :thumbsup:
    chrisgooner likes this.
  16. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Chris, have you got any photos of your curtain track fitted round the slider please, we're looking to get the same & are sat wondering how to tackle it!
  17. @MorkC68 I haven't tackled it yet but I'm either gonna use the curtain sliders in the rail to bend it around or go over the top. My preference would be bend around the door slider but not sure how I'm gonna attach it yet. I'll post some pics when I've done it.
  18. What or where did you attach the rail once you have bent it. Pics please :)
  19. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    We are trying to figure out the best way to do it - bending it round the slider track sounds best to us too - the westy is done that way but the track isn't Silent Gliss, I think its what was fitted from factory!

    Cheers for the reply mate :thumbsup:
    Lardy likes this.
  20. Bend a small section about 20mm to attach to the van once bent then put it up against the sliding door rail with the curtain clips in then bend to the contour of the sliding door rail.
    I'll get some pics but it's just above the door runner.

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