Paras bus resto

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by paradox, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. I know the drill;)
  2. Don't start drilling them yet!
    vanorak, Rossco, zed and 1 other person like this.
  3. :lol:
  4. Ive only a butane blow lamp
    Did you guys and girls that needed heat use oxyacet
  5. blowlamp worked on mine....and a good whack with a cold chisel:D
    paradox likes this.
  6. It's a decent blowtorch, but not oxy acetylene
    paradox likes this.
  7. They will release for me:)
    vanorak likes this.
  8. Maybe you could sing them some Engelbert Humperdinck
    paradox and vanorak like this.
  9. then tw** them with something big
    Beaver and paradox like this.
  10. let me goooooooooooooooooooooooooooo:lol:
    Beaver likes this.
  11. James Brown
  12. You know what

    Ill hit them with my rythm stick ill hit them slowly ill hit them quick
    MK-Bay, Barneyrubble and Beaver like this.
  13. It'll make the trying more fun
    paradox likes this.
  14. Everythings fun now the kids are back at school:theforce:
  15. This has reminded me.
    I need to go smack my bitch up.
    paradox likes this.
  16. You don't have to share the toys so much now
    paradox likes this.
  17. Dont do that
    She will feel all oops up inside her head
  18. That made me proper chuckle
    Awesome reply:thumbsup:

    I need to repaint all the mechano ready for the half term:lol:
  19. No rest for the wicked
    paradox likes this.
  20. We have standards to keep
    I cant have the fruit of my loins thinking rusty is ok when they are creating the next ornament smasher

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