Not sure I want to know the answer but.....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pod, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. Enjoy dude... My Molly is a mismatch of everything converted from somethin to something else, has a weird numberplate and was a LHD now RHD with door on the wring side! But I love her for what she is, past is the past, just love your bus and ask no questions...and its tax free! Woohoo... Lucky thing!
  3. Pod


  5. Pod


  8. I'm on Android dude :lol: don't use any of that apple crap these days!! ;)

    Nah, grinder is destined for the scrap heap :p
  9. My 1198 is an 09 on an 11 plate. It happens. Mine was the factory photoshoot bike and it was sold off afterwards. To me. All the pics of a pearl white 1198 in the brochures and marketing stuff is my bike.

    Sometimes older stuff is on newer plates.

    Very nice bus though. :)
  10. mate, when i got my bay (and realised i"d bought a "shed") i was all over the place buying any new part any person would sell me <people today , on hearing the manuf. year say "can"t be mate <cos it"s got flared arches " .. can"t be mate , it should have.....>>>and having had me bay since 2005 , i looked at engine no. against V5 no. and YES!!! brothers and sisters ,comrades even ...the no."s dont bleedin match !! oh flippen joy and more joy heaped on top!!!! >> may as well enjoy your machine bruv , mine has had 8 previous owners >>>if this bus could speak !!
  11. PIE


    I cant see a problem if/when you come to sell it, I would think it would be a good selling point.

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