I'm an idiot and didn't check the oil

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by pkrboo, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. Daily at the moment.

    Noisy when stationary and yes I think got worse when revved. Tbh it has gone now and I think it was a sticky starter but will check again once cold.
  2. maybe it was running lean....
    Skid66, yorkieman, MK-Bay and 2 others like this.
  3. it's probably something poultry....
    Skid66, yorkieman, Poptop2 and 2 others like this.
  4. You mean an idea plucked out of thin air?
    MK-Bay and vanorak like this.
  5. I think he's stuffed.
  6. sometimes, the fan blades can catch on the housing when the engine expands, especially if the alt belt is really tight, or the fan shroud has been removed/replaced....
    Sage words indeed!
    MK-Bay and Diddymen like this.
  7. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    We are going to get a right roasting over this!
  8. Trouble simmering...:eek:
  9. Come on guys you carni -force the issue too much!
    Poptop2 and vanorak like this.
  10. tbh, there have been rasher responses in the past....
  11. Type 4 engine
  12. could be starter, what condition are your belts in? ......if one of them has frayed slightly, could be part of the belt whipping on something as it spins .....definitely something relating to the motor though

    or as @vanorak says - fan?
  13. A Tripe 4, you say?
    Jack Tatty, Lasty, jivedubbin and 4 others like this.
  14. foam seal come loose and sucked into fan housing?
  15. Belt is fine.
  16. Shish!.....if it's not the fan then maybe it's something a little more ob-skewer
    CollyP, sANDYbAY, fritt and 1 other person like this.
  17. Better not go overboard or the mods will chop it!
    Poptop2 likes this.
  18. if it still happens, get under it and give the starter a whack and see if it stops

    could try turning the motor by hand, might be able to marrow it down a bit .....sorry that's a veg pun :rolleyes:
    Poptop2 and vanorak like this.
  19. is it the original starter or was it from a doner engine?
    sANDYbAY, snotty and Poptop2 like this.

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