
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kenregency, Mar 8, 2013.

  1. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

    I have no room for fixed fridge and like cold wine and beers any ideas on good cooling system ?
    and are 12volt cool boxes any good
  2. NO, Not if the sun is shining.
    kenregency likes this.
  3. i just have a big american picnic coolbox from costco and fill it with ice packs - most of my trips away are 1-4 days and it lasts long enough
    kenregency likes this.
  4. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    12 v cool box with a couple of bottles of frozen water in will do the job just fine, i have a fridge in my van but half the time i don't turn it on i just use the water technique.
    kenregency likes this.
  5. Hijacking you Ken. ;)
    What about 3 way?
    NatchoNatchoMan likes this.
  6. Er fridges that is!
  7. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    kenregency likes this.
  8. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    We use a 12v cool box , the same way Ricky does. We plug it in when we are camped up on hookup and it keeps thing cool enough. If the stuff hat goes in it is cold to start with it works fine.
  9. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

    dont have no spare room now as my wife is to organised with all her needs
  10. if you freeze small water bottles and keep them in the cool box they act as ice packs and as they defrost you can then drink them. alternatively, get yourself a collapsible bucket and when you are ready to start on the beers fill the bucket with water, add the ice bottles and your beers and it will chill them down for a good few hours
  11. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

    this video is not a touch on gangman:)
  12. you can get 3 way cool boxes... but they're not cheap... I'll go hunt a link out for you!! :)
  13. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

    but are all the 3 way fridges fixed items as i have no more places to fix it:thumbsup:
  14. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

  15. Have a look at the link I posted Ken :cool:
  16. Fair play... I did say they weren't cheap tho ;)

    Although that said, I think they're about the same as a new fixed fridge!! :)
  17. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

    £190 i think it will be warm beer this year or drink yours:)
  18. Yep, 12v coolbox - a fridge just takes up fixed space
  19. LOL I don't drink beer... you'll only finder cider or vodka in mine ;)

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