engine bar mount puzzler

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by paradox, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. Apparently may van being a 78 1600 should have mounts like this on the chassis legs


    What my bus has is this

  2. Too well made to be homebrew!! :thinking:

    Any vw stamps on them?
    paradox likes this.
  3. Nope no markings on them at all and as you say too well made to be homebrew
    There not as substantial as the other ones though which is my concern

    Ive not seen them like this before and early bays have different ones again and a different bar
  4. Looks like there's been something meaty in the back of your bus previously as they're overkill for the weight of your 1600 mate!!!
    paradox likes this.

  5. The rubber mount part is the same as it should be
    The steel part of the mount however is in two seperate pieces and id say its nowhere as near as strong as what should be there
  6. Can't believe you haven't painted them yet. Slacker! :D
    lost-en-france and paradox like this.
  7. Pmsl id started to strip them down to paint them when that nagging doubt that somthing wasent right
    Popped into the back of my head
  8. They look like absolutely stock mounts for a 78 1600. Mine are exactly the same.

    Your upper pic is for a type 4 engine?

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2013
    mkethef, Dicky and paradox like this.
  9. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    they are same as whats on Gusbus, the VWH ones may be pattern parts?
    paradox likes this.
  10. "whs" mine are exactly the same ..1978 1600
    paradox likes this.
  11. Cheers guys ill get them painted up :)

    I must have seen a lot of busses with the wrong or aftermarket mounts fitted then:thinking:
  12. Spot on - again!
  13. Yep. The dirty ones are stock for your engine application. the photo if the new ones are type 4. Type 4 hangers are fixed and solid with the rubber mount located on the front of the crankcase.
  14. Out with the tractor enamel ;)!
    paradox likes this.
  15. I am really glad that this has been tidyed up as I thought I needed the type 4 mounts on my van but, now I know, I can look for some like the ones paradox has as mine is a bog standard 1600. But, I am guessing they are even harder to find than the type 4 ones. Oh well another quest to find the Holy Grail I guess!!
  16. Try folk like Megabug or FBI VW for second-hand.
  17. I have many versions of the Holy Grail residing in my shed. A bit like Indiana Jones you are free to chose the one you think will suit...
  18. This is actually a type 1 one...

    The type 4 ones look exactly the same, but the gap between the 2 plates, where the engine bar goes, is smaller/narrower!!
  19. they look like the ones under my bus

  20. Well, bless my socks. Makes you wonder why VW made them in two pieces in the first place :thinking:

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