Brexit Deal

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pony, Oct 17, 2019.

  1. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Executed as traitors. Really. I’m sure you don’t mean that?
  2. To be honest ,the nhs probably waste that amount of money each week . If people had to pay they wouldn’t go to the doctor with a cold and give it to all the people in the waiting room and line the doctors and drug companies pockets . Let nature sort you out then you won’t have to worry about Brexit and all the propergander it’s creates o_O . Free money at the tip if you need it ;)
    crossy2112 and Pony like this.
  3. Put me in charge. I would get this country sorted out within about five years. But I have to be honest and say an awful lot of people would disappear. Being a criminal or antisocial would become a very unhealthy lifestyle choice.

    and there’d be camps, lots of camps, and I don’t mean the sort with stages and a cider tent.

    and the police would make robocop look like metal mickey.

    actually on second thoughts, don’t put me in charge.

    in the words of mr Bowie
    I stumble into town just like a sacred cow
    Visions of swastikas in my head
    Plans for everyone
    It's in the whites of my eyes

    I’d definitely get us out of Europe though.
    I need a lie down
    Day, Uncle Nick, crossy2112 and 3 others like this.
  4. Pudelwagen

    Pudelwagen Supporter

    I have sharpened my axe in readiness or maybe they should suffer the same fate as Guy Fawkes!

    It's about time these politicians realised why they were elected.
    Day likes this.
  5. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I genuinely believe they are trying to find the best compromise and going through the fullest parliamentary procedure to get there. I’m not in the feathering their own nest group of thinkers. I’d like to think they are all working towards the best Brexit deal for all our sakes.
    Jack Tatty and Chrisd like this.
  6. Too much opposition not enough support... the referendum was a little bit too close as far as results go... we were split from the beginning... went down hill from there! If Theresa had stuck to her guns & said "fair enough ..... you don't like what we're asking for..... no deal it is!" then maybe we could have gained some headway but she didn't. She capitulated & accepted any old Marmite to get us out.... that imo was not the right action to take! We all believe in democracy & even the hard line remainers can't argue the result but it's the way we've fannied around! I thought we wanted to leave the union so why haven't we? Why is it so important to get a deal? Will we sell our souls for said deal? Good or bad? All this has made us political laughing stocks & cost us far more than any NO deal ever could! Our economy will continue to suffer which in the long run will cost us in the marketplace so we are being F***** over in all directions.
    I don't & never did want to leave the EU, we've got it good or rather had it good, why spoil that with the unknown?
    Once we are out a return to Socialism is in order!
    Merlin Cat and pkrboo like this.
  7. Tbh Poppy there's a fair amount of them who are set against it full stop let alone working towards the best deal, hence three years of all mouth n nay troosers.
  8. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Obviously the anti brexiteers who campaigned against Brexit will and should remain true to their beliefs same as those that campaigned for Brexit should, but I still believe that under all the bluff and blunder they are still working for the good of the country. I have to believe that or the democracy wreckers have won and we’re all doomed.
  9. Its going to be a very sad day when we leave and if you think i'm working till im 68 you can go whistle.

    ill be moving to Europe. for a much higher standard of living.
  10. All this nonsense about health insurance. The NHS does a wonderful job considering the ever increasing demand on its services. Private treatment for the wealthy has been around for a long time and for those lucky enough to have health insurance. Wealthy people can choose to use private GP services which are on the increase. But the NHS will continue to be free to the masses and the wealthy would be more than happy to use the free A&E. The NHS does and has for a long time out sourced some services to private hospitals and clinics for efficiency and reducing waiting times, I call that doing a good job.
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  11. Guy Fawkes? Wasn't he the chap who tried to blow up Parliament? Don't we celebrate him on November 5th every year with fire and fireworks?
  12. Its all to do with corrupt peoples at the top.
    mgbman likes this.
  13. I kind of agree with those that say these MPs are sort of acting in a treasonous way.

    We have an elected Parliament. Government for the people, by the people. If a group of individuals seek to overturn that rule, and impose their own will, be that by the gun or in this case by other more calculated means, then what is that if it’s not an act of treason?

    In other countries, if the army attempt a coup, essentially a power grab, and it fails, most would expect them to be thrown in jail or worse. So why should these 500 or so people get to deny the will of the majority and it go unpunished.

    And because it’s been allowed to go unpunished we’ve now got the absolutely crazy situation of a major political party in the lib dems openly saying if they get into power they will simply throw out the result of a referendum cos they didn’t get the result they wanted. That by any measure signals the end of democracy in this country if it ever happened.

    It wasn’t so long ago that we executed spies in the Tower of London in ww2. People who wanted to take power away from our people then, we understood the danger of those people and they were dealt with.

    we have a small group of 500 or so MPs who seek to do the same thing now. I believe they’ve been given enough chances, and they’ve shown their true colours. If it were up to me I’d have them all arrested by the army and placed under house arrest. Parliament would be dissolved. The queen would inform the EU that we are leaving on the terms that borris and the EU have agreed today. Then we’d have a general election and anyone shown to have obstructed the brexit process would be barred from holding office again. A new broom needs to sweep through Westminster. It’s rotten and needs replacing.
    Pudelwagen likes this.
  14. Jules65

    Jules65 Supporter

    Why is the UK pension and standard of living considered to be as low as it is compared to other EU countries and the retirement age so high, yet our National contributions to the EU are so high compared to other EU countries.

    Speaking as a person who has lived up North for 44yrs and whom (when I became eligible to find work on leaving education in 1981) was in a position to choose between 2 engineering companies and the coal board for employment, saw the engineering companies whom offered me work close, the steel industries that employed my family and whom supplied the engineering companies close and then the coal industry that supplied the steel industry and power stations close, (all which left “mass’ unemployment (which STILL has not changed regardless of how the figures are manipulated))

    My concerns are that should (upon this country ever being in a position to leave the EU) such a situation arise whereby the infrastructure is required to create weapons and armourments or infrastructure to power/defend the isles, where would the materials required to create such items come from......and the knowledge to actually combine them and produce them...... (and that’s not even considering the environmentalists that would take offence to the byproducts and manufacturing companies required to produce such items)

    IMHO the EU has slowly eroded what made this country what it once was and thanks to the mentality of others (shop keeper mentality types from years ago) we now live in a culture of self, self, self and self preservation, and not the actual welfare of the country as a whole.

    IMHO, we as a country are now more consumers and not producers.

    I personally (in my former role in law enforcement) have seen too much of the negative side of the EU and that personally has made me biased.

    I do not own any property abroad and could never hope to be in such a position that such a thing was possible. I consider myself lucky (no difference between working and retired) if I can manage to afford 2 weeks away a year and the fact that last year in Spain the cost of food and drink worked out more than it was in the UK over the same time period made me consider why I was there (just the weather perhaps).

    But perhaps I’m just a racist, uneducated, ignorant easily led/easily manipulated Northern a.r.s.e.h.o.l.e who shouldn’t be able to vote.
    Uncle Nick, Merlin Cat, Faust and 2 others like this.
  15. Chrisd

    Chrisd Supporter

    As much as this has been a strange number of years, we elect representative parliamentarians, not delegates. So to my mind they have been doing their job properly and representing the split nature of the country.

    Imagine, if you wish, the vote had gone the other way and the remainders had won. The analogy would be that vote after vote would be coming forward to join the Euro, join Schengen, join a European army etc. I am sure the leave representatives would have agreed that the vote gave remainers permission to do this....not!
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  16. No. Bonfire night celebrates the failure of the plot to murder James I in 1605 during a session of parliament by a group of people who felt that the king/parliament did not represent their interests.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2019
    Merlin Cat and JamesLey like this.
  17. The democracy wreckers have won. Its not often the people get a direct vote and that outcome hasn't been respected by Westminster.
    Lasty, Pudelwagen and Barneyrubble like this.
  18. Faust

    Faust Supporter

    Well if it ends up being remain you might well loose Scotland and later possibly Wales ;)
  19. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Has he gone yet ?:p
    crossy2112 likes this.
  20. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I truly don’t get your point. It has been respected by Westminster. There’s an awful lot of work going on to ensure it is respected fully.

    From where I sit the only people saying that are brexiteers who seem to believe the hardliners who are simply pushing it through regardless of outcome. There is so much more at stake than just getting out and thankfully most politicians realise this.
    The Drama Man likes this.

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