Your appearance

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Have you ever modified it to fit in the enviroment your in
    Social camo so to speak
  2. I'm 6'1", covered in tattoo's with a shaved head and ear stretchers and a thick Essex twang.... Social camouflage is kinda tough lol I'm a strong believer that if you have to change who you are or how people perceive you to be then they don't merit your attention anyway :)
  3. Hell yes! not just cammo but armour! suit, shirt and tie today! Im almost bi-polar in this respect!
    Robo, Mrs Moosey and paradox like this.
  4. respect!
    Robo likes this.
  5. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Yep that's my dress attire for tomorrow - out representing work with clients!
    paradox likes this.
  6. yes. i had my ears enlarged when growing up in the wilds of scotland so that id fit in with the young farmers.
    when living in blackpool would wear false tits and nice frocks and hang out at the flying handbag.
    Lofty, Moons and Dicky like this.

  7. Roflmao and did you drink in funnygirls aswell as the flying handbag
  8. sounds like you know what im talking about ;)
  9. I grew up in bolton so every year we got dragged to watch the illuminatons and walk the golden mile
    As i grew older we used to go to blackpool after clubbing in wigan
    It was guaranteed you could find a spot to carry on your night into the next day

    Nowadays id be glad if i never go to blackpool again

    Ive heard leeds is good at the right time of the year
  10. Hey Voltswombat were it u my pal pulled at a young farmers gig circa 1998(Scotland west coast) and he got a thick lip for trying to "slip the hand" ?just asking bro.
  11. No never. My parents brought me up to never judge on appearances, and therefore never criticized or judged me on mine. (Although I wish in the late 80's they would have steered me away from stonewash denim and a bad perm). This obviously gave me the confidence to feel comfortable in whatever way I wanted to look. I've never felt the need to dress in a way that really isn't me, for anybody else.

    If people make assumptions based on appearance it says a hell of a lot more about them than it does the person they're judging.
    hailfrank and lost-en-france like this.
  12. Surely it is as much about being appropriate for the circumstances? For me, it is in many (though I admit not all) respects the same as not wearing a suit when I work on the car; I try to wear what is appropriate for the circumstances. As a youngster, on the duty solicitor rota it would have been inappropriate to arrive at the police station to represent a client wearing my sports kit. Nowadays, as a teacher, parents have an idea of what they expect to see when they meet me. I know that others will judge me on my appearance, regardless of what I think about it. Appearance is just another tool for the job- if it makes the job easier, or even makes getting the job easier, why not wear what is appropriate?
    JennyB and Robo like this.
  13. Ok, I wouldn't wear a nightclub dress to a funeral or a bespoke suit to go to Asda, I wear what I'm comfortable in.

    I'm not talking about wearing ripped dirty clothes in a work situation (unless it's a dirty job, obs). You can still look really smart without having to go against your own style and wearing stuff you really can't stand. What you're wearing has no bearing on how good you are at your job.
    Borninabug likes this.
  14. I agree, Millie, but what you're wearing can have a bearing on how good you are perceived to be at your job
    JennyB likes this.
  15. Unfortunately yes, it can do. 'Society' can be shallow and narrow minded. People should be judged (I don't like using that word) on their actions and the results, not on something as silly as their hairstyle or where they got their shoes from.
  16. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    I dress like a tramp 6 days a week and on Sundays I try a bit harder to look presentable.:thumbsup:
    simo and Robo like this.
  17. I did years ago when I went through my heavy metal days, and looking back at a photo it is indeed a mullet hair do....and skin tight jeans and cowboy boots
  18. kev


    i look like a tramp everyday but i work with drains so nobody cares what i look like i allso have to stand in the pub on me own;)
    i hate wearing ties i just dont feel right
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2013
  19. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I am meticulously dressed & groomed every day. As any photos I've posted here can attest to :lol:
  20. Yes, all the time, my clothes of choice are always a hoodie, leggings ,shorts and DM's ( or boots) in summer sandels, if I have an important meeting I suit it and boot it ( dress and heeled boots) I even put make up on and do my hair, its a confidence thing more that fitting in , but also a mark of respect for the importance of the meetings I am attending. Heels make me 5'10 /11 so that always makes me feel more important :D

    On that note though, I am comfortable in my 'meeting' wear, it is black , and me ............... I don't change any other aspect

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