Why oh why oh why ......

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mattlad, Mar 18, 2017.

  1. Not when the floor in question was originally 3 rooms added at different times, with solid floors on three differing planes! I tried to take the edge off by laying 12o kilos of self levelling !!
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  2. Quite liking this 'wedge' system for uneven floors....[​IMG]
    (Ingore the dire state of the rest of the room.....they only wanted the floor doing!!)
    theBusmonkey, crossy2112 and paul2590 like this.
  3. Those skirting boards :eek:
    JT1 likes this.
  4. Mine is not to question the clients requirements....I am just a lowly tradesman.....(runs away, doffing cap!)
    Merlin Cat and snotty like this.
  5. Looks like you've crack it
    Seriously though that room needs gutting

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  6. I just do what I am told ,if they ask my opinion, I just shug my shoulders frenchy style ... :hattip:
    fritt, 77 Westy, art b and 3 others like this.
  7. And that wallpaper!
    paul2590 likes this.
  8. That ain't wallpaper @snotty .....that's original 1970's 6x6 wall tiles! I think the pattern is called 'Migrane'..
    Razzyh, JT1 and snotty like this.
  9. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

    :). How do those wedges work?
  10. Lovely! Needs more b.eige, though.
  11. I saw these on a Facebook post the other day, 1 question. Do they leave voids in the adhesive below? If they don't they could very well make a tilling job i have to do much much better.
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  12. @Merlin Cat ...The white 'spacers' are like an inverted 'T' shape that sits under both tiles. When you slide the wedge in it makes the tiles the same height by lifting the lower tile to the same height as it's neighbour.... Once the adhesive has set you just take out the wedges and quite literally kick the top of the spacer and it snaps off....quite good fun!
    @paneuropaul I use a 10mm notched trowel and a slightly wetter mix than I would normally use. Helps the adhesive to 'stretch' when the tile lifts up....any big holes get the usual 'dollop' before the tile goes down.
    The only thing you have to watch is when you insert the wedge it can move the tile fractionally out of line, but as long as you check as you go along the system works fine.
    I've recently laid a floor in an old cottage that was all over the shop even after a 6mm thermal board had been laid. This wedge system help even things out nicely.
    Downside is the spacers can only be used once, and if doing a big floor you need a lot of wedges!
    scrooge95, nicktuft, fritt and 5 others like this.
  13. I wondered this too,you'd imagine if it pull the lower tile up it would leave a void with no adhesive on the tile

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    snotty likes this.
  14. JT1


    I think we've met. It didn't go well. LOL :)
    Razzyh and Mattlad like this.
  15. When I go to price a job these days the customer is under the illusion that they're checking me out for suitability, however this is not the case. I can no longer work for certain types of people. Luckily I have enough work to be picky.
  16. I tell ya- it's great being your own boss - I can do what I like!!!!
  17. Yes exactly- a wrong word here or a rubbish cup of tea will blacklist the customer and they'll have to get an inferior artisan, as I prefer the be called, to do their work.
  18. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    I regularly refer to you as "that inferior artisan"...
    (Until I need you to sort out my bay (not bus))
    Mattlad, JT1 and art b like this.
  19. JT1


    I'm retired so can do what I like when I like, at least that's what Mrs T tells me o_O
    Mattlad likes this.

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