What's your dream VW...?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by delilah, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Single cab bay with a big capacity turbo type 4 engine set up for drag racing but street legal.
    Paul Weeding likes this.
  2. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Either a Schwimmenwagen or a Kubelwagen.
    A guy in our village owns one of each & other old military vehicles, but isn't interested in selling :( Ms.T has threatened dire consequences should either appear in the garage, let alone the Ferret Scout Car I want.:mad:
    matty likes this.
  3. Can't pick one, any of these.
    War era Kdf wagen.
    More realistic- a razor edge:)
  4. Next years project?? ;)
  5. Got it already - but the dream is that it never breaks down and never needs filling up with fuel.
  6. ^this. A Schwimmwagen is the only other older VW I'd want. The rest of them are crap.
    Lasty likes this.
  7. Good answer :)
  8. A mid engined 1303 built on the floorpan of a 914/6.

    I've just spluffed me love custard on the keyboard thinking about it!
    Lasty, dan H and Paul Weeding like this.
  9. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    A tidy squareback with a 911 engine in it.
  10. Like the one that T3D built for Brian Burrows a few years back?? :)
  11. Type 34 Karmann Ghia

  12. Would this actually work?
    It seems like I've heard of a millionty people who are going to build huge capacity, race ready campers and then use them on the street.
    I can't imagine how something capable of a half decent quarter mile time would be anything short of undriveable if you tried to pack it full of kids, dogs and camping gear before asking it to clatter down the M5 with all the slow moving holdups for eight hours or so to Cornwall.
  13. I don't mean useable for camping, just to be able to use it on the street to scare people.
  14. There's no reason why a big cc fast engine shouldn't be driveable on the road...

    Look at the big cc motors that the likes of vw/merc/bmw/porsche/ferrari sell :cool:
  15. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  16. Just the cooling issue with air cooled?
  17. Mine , if it was done up and working will do me just fine ......
    Skid66 likes this.
  18. I quite like the bus I've got. I thought I wanted a splitty until I drove my mates and discovered they were quite cramped inside compared to my bay.
    Lasty likes this.
  19. A rat splittie pickup or a rat MK1 caddy
  20. I'd love a VW/ Porsche 356, I'd like another VW Touareg again but would go for the 3ltr model this time.
    Oh, within reach, I'd love another bug but bay wise it'd have to be a Westy :)

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