Whats your dream job

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Lounging and loafing on an allowance from mater and pater. That's not looking likely though, so I'll settle for what I already do.
  2. Scuba instructor somewhere warm, preferably my own scuba school, preferably on my own private island.....

    Other than that, what I do now, I took my hobby, messing with computers, and turned it into my job... So I get paid quite well to do something I enjoy... And working from home, I get to spend more time with my two girls, so live to work, not work to live.... And enjoy what you do!
  3. I enjoy designing and writing programming languages so I would like to design a language which gets widespread use and then spend my days working on features and libraries for it while earning a crust on the conference circuit.
  4. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    I actually really like what I do. Must admit, I'm liking it even more now I'm only doing it 3 days a week :)
    Objectandproduct likes this.
  5. I really enjoy my job ,plus it term time only so i am off 18 weeks of the year!!!!!!!!!
  6. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Ive got mine, Mechanical Engineer, I get to make and break things all day everyday for a variety of applications, its interesting work :thumbsup:
  7. Brewery and part time inventor.
  8. Not if Gove gets his way O&P.
  9. matty

    matty Supporter

    woodsman or tree surgeon

    But to be honest i like what i am doing now
    I would like better health to enjoy it more but if i had not become ill then i would not of been reminded of what is important
    Pony, Mrs Moosey and NatchoNatchoMan like this.
  10. Good friend of mine is looking to sell a half share in http://www.scubabula.com/

    He went through a messy divorce a few years ago so moved to Fiji. Met a Turkish girl, got married and now lives in Istanbul. He has always been a bit impulsive :rolleyes:

    So if you want to 'live the dream' I am sure he would do you a deal :thumbsup:
    Mrs Moosey likes this.
  11. I do have some spare cash...
    And it does look good....
    Now, how to convince the kids....
  12. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    My dream job?
    Lottery winner I'd be able to quit on my second day at work and then do whatever I felt like for the rest of my life.
    Lord Congi and Neptuneblue like this.
  13. I've never known what I actually WANT to do - but I guess something based around film/programme making (which I currently do in my spare time), probably freelance - working for myself instead of the system.
  14. Try: "hey kids, fancy moving to Fiji?"
    popester63 likes this.
  15. proffesional traveler :thumbsup:
    Would love to spend a year touring Scotland :)
  16. Tried that a couple of years back with a "hey kids, fancy moving to Adelaide..." Got most of the way through getting a visa, then they changed their minds!
  17. My aunt lived in Adelaide, she got bored of it and moved back to Halifax. Fiji is probably an easier sell.
  18. I'm from Adelaide, what a poo hole, well it was then might be better now.
  19. My dream job would be a taxi driver in Venice.

    Falling that I do quite enjoy my job in school, get a bit off holiday, most off it unpaid and I only work mornings if I can get away with it.
  20. Luckly university lecturer rather than school teacher so Mr Gove cant get me

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