Whats your dream job

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. For me it would be to be a crofter on a remote scottish isle
  2. A job near the coast would be nice, Dorset , I love it down there. Full time Tinkering and Pottering about. not a money oriented person, simple life enough for a few beers and fresh bread everyday...
    paradox likes this.
  3. I would love to be involved in festival organising :)
  4. The one I have now. :)
    Mrs Moosey, Robo and paradox like this.
  5. Dubs

    Dubs Sponsor supporter extraordinaire

    Country pub inspector would do me for a while.....or working on James Mays man lab programme looks like a total laugh...getting paid to arse about making pointless things that invariably end up in the pub..
  6. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    I've got it.

    I do the odd bit of house maintenance on own properties when need and rest of time look busy so wife doesn't find me real work.
    Mrs Moosey, Robo, pyroking and 2 others like this.
  7. Edited after seeing about the born free foundation...
  8. I'd love to work as in animal conservation... Helping wild animals like abandoned or orphaned baby elephants... Any job working outdoors with animals would be my dream...
    ermintrude1978 likes this.
  9. I want to own a B&B on the Jurassic Coast with the option for people to camp in their buses and have access to breakfast and amenities in the house.
    Robo and paradox like this.
  10. racing drift cars in Japan.. but thats as likely to happen as becoming the next pope..
    so il stick to my grassroots slideways action, and my current job, which is restoring lovely bay windows :)
    (and all other oddball aircooled lovelyness) cus im not really gunna get much better than that!!
    Robo, Brum and paradox like this.
  11. You and me aint worlds apart hun
    Tiny-Pie likes this.
  12. Gardening in a nice part of the world .[where it does not rain ;)]
  13. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    a blow
    bumpnudger7 likes this.
  14. Any job that pays,
    at the end the day you work to live not live to work.
  15. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

  16. my favourite place in the Country the Jurassic coast Brum...let me know I will be your first bus paying customer....The Late Bay discount of course..hee hee
  17. many ideas over the years from starting a charity (done that), being self-sufficient with my own small holding, having a large green area and running and organising Pagan handfastings and having a shop selling alternative things of intrest.......... all the way to owning our own one stop shop garage for air cooled. But having worked so beeping hard for the last few years starting up and running what I run, some money and a bit of a break to enjoy time with our children whilst they are young and do up the van would be nice............we do have another idea for a dream job.............however tis top secret ;)
    paradox likes this.
  18. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Be doing the same soon.:thumbup:
  19. I've got a few and switch between what would be top of the list:
    • restoring stained glass in York Minster (or elsewhere that is nearer the coast - I said York Minster cos I know there's a major project going on there at the moment)
    • working with wildlife (sorry if sounds like I'm copying TP here!) - elephants, kangaroos, koalas are top of that list - or any animals really
    • anything outdoorsy - park ranger, gardener, conservation work (though only in summer!)
    • or just doing stained glass enough to earn a living
  20. No job at all would be good, finances permitting.
    Neptuneblue likes this.

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