What shall I put in my sandwich?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mrs Moosey, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Marmite & tomato! :)
    72wilma and Mrs Moosey like this.
  2. Marmite and Peanut Butter

    Fishfingers and Tommy Ketchup
  3. Ooooh fishfinger sarnie!! Big thumbs up :thumbsup:

    Cheese and Marmite!! Whose feeling the love??
  4. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    Ham, tomato and plenty of English mustard on a granary bap!
    womball likes this.
  5. Steak and kidney pie,
    with a load of butter on one of the slices of bread and lashings of mustard on the other.
    72wilma and Poptop2 like this.
  6. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    nooo no no no - yes - with salad cream not tomato sauce :thumbsup:
  7. Blimey!! Thanks everyone - that'll keep me going for the next few weeks! Might start with a tuna-y one tomorrow. :thumbsup:

    Why what happened?!
  9. mmmmm :)
    thanks for sharing your fritters with me :hug:
  10. I'm sorry but banana's just don't do it for me, I'm more of a cheese, coleslaw & orange curd kind of guy :p
  11. orange curd?? never even heard of that!
  12. ewwwwwww! i've never heard of orange curd either Mrs Moosey, must be a southern thing :)

    next time we'll have HOT fritters :D
    Mrs Moosey likes this.
  13. There was a time when you could buy orange or lime curd as well as the original lemon however I only ever got it as a treat when on holiday in Mablethorpe as a wee nipper. Lords on Victoria Road was the only place that sold it, I've never seen it anywhere since although I did receive a jar for christmas from my mum which she bought from a farmers market somewhere, it was home made:D
    Mrs Moosey and Ermintrude like this.
  14. He speaks the truth, unfortunately...
  15. Salad Cream butties;)
    Mrs Moosey likes this.
  16. My faverate is sliced cold new potatoes and beet root,
  17. Smoked mackerel and horseradish - lurvly.

    Or even better, ditch the sandwich and eat an oggie with a bit of horseradish - bloomin ansome my luvver
    72wilma and Ermintrude like this.
  18. cant be that bad there all still alive over there
  19. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    What, all (4) of them?
  20. Cheese, tomato and cucumber today.

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