What law would you pass if you were Prime Minister for a day?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by top banana racing, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

    I'd pass a law that is an amalgamation of @surfgir1 , @rickyrooo1 , @Stan , @Moons

    Thereby not enabling companies like amazon to do massive tax avoidance and the utility companies to make shareholders rich.

    The tax that is rightfully due and the revenue from utilities could then be used within the nhs.

    I don't understand why it appears to be impossible to run a state owned business effectively and without making massive losses - then when they are privatised they become super profit making. (Apart from stopping loss making areas).

    The NHS is another area where it seems no one listens to common sense and acts upon things like purchases for materials from set suppliers that you could buy on the high street for a fraction of the price.

    I would also try and tag on that folk in the financial sector manipulating figures have all their assets taken, they go to jail and the company board all face personal fines. There appears (to me) to be no comeback for playing with figures for those involved even tho there can be massive impact on those further down the line.

    :) bit of an essay, sorry
  2. make the NHS non profit making ,its about fixing people not fixing figures on paper
    brothernumberone, Jack Tatty and Stan like this.
  3. I think its all fairly clear, really, we all seem to want the same things and yet the people in power are 'powerless' to provide this! Probably because greed, ego, saving face and other evils get in the way. I am pretty sure there are some MP's that are genuine and good people but get corrupted or 'got at' by the relevant parties with self interests! We are supposed to live in a free state apparently but sometimes i wonder if there was another iron curtain closing around us and we never noticed over the past 30 years!
    jivedubbin and paradox like this.
  4. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    This is the festering pool of fraud festering in the middle of the civil service and pretty much all public sector - the procurement process.

    Even when they give the budget to the talented local admins, they then lock them into a 'preferred supplier' list so the prices are fixed - the crime here is that because there are maybe 3 supplier on that list its seen as market place competition - no mention of how all three are in cahoots to fix prices. If any of you deal with public sector - most invoices never have model numbers on kit, only high level descriptions, this is to prevent you comparing prices with the high street - a crime here is now the software companies and the business provisioning arm of high street suppliers are inventing business only models so you can't compare, even though it is at times literally a new sticker on same kit exercise.

    I know I'm prone to bagging public sector managers, but I feel sorry for them on this one as they are powerless - to the extent they get disciplined for going outside those suppliers.

    And this ladies and gents is the fabled 'free for competition, private sector' model that government want to sell as the solution to the NHS.

    Lambs to the slaughter.

    When you then look on the boards of Atos Origin, Serco and Capita etc you see a load of ex high rank current or ex civil service, MP's and lobbyists all close to the seat of power.

    No MP retire destitute these days don't fear.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2014
    jivedubbin, paradox and Stan like this.
  5. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    All faith schools banned immediately, no ifs, buts or maybes.
  6. Yep, absolutely. I can't believe they're are still allowed. It should be considered a form of abuse to indoctrinate a child.
    Top Banana Racing likes this.
  7. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Does that include all Church of England, Catholic comps etc?
    jivedubbin likes this.
  8. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    jivedubbin likes this.
  9. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Depends on which 'faith' you are on about. Myself, my children and my wife all went to Church schools. Lou went to a Catholic school. She renounced it as soon as she was old enough to. She claimed it was too strict and severe punishment was dealt out without a thought for the teachings. Hypocritical. Myself and my lads went to C of E Schools and feel it was very much more bending re indoctrination. The choice is yours and you can take it as far as you want. I attend Church when I feel I should. Christmas, Easter etc. I know the local Vicar well and never feel compelled to be overly devout or guilty about non attendance. The school was the same.
    brothernumberone likes this.

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