What law would you pass if you were Prime Minister for a day?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by top banana racing, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Quite. Amateur.
  2. Democracy at it's best:). With you on that Ric. But it does throw up a philosophical dilema. The right to vote/abstain versus a compusion to do so. Good god Ric , you've got me thinking now.:eek: And I dont do that often.
  3. I'm not sure what currency speculation is but I'd ban currency.

    You work however many hours a day; shop assistant, cleaner, brain surgeon, MP, and you get vouchers for every hour you work (same amount regardless of what sort of work) to exchange for goods and services. Or you could just trade your skills with someone else. Then everyone's equal innit.
  4. I'd pass a law that anyone who wants to be an MP isn't allowed to be one.
  5. Im looking at outsourcing unemployment. ie pay benefits for people (long term doleys) to live somewhere cheaper. We could also reduce foreign aid by introducing quotas for the number of people exported to that country to match their spending with the amount which would normally be paid. That way we save some dosh, yer long term unemployed person would have a better quality of life, be held in some esteem in their adopted country and the local economy would benefit from the injection of cash. Of course that spend would be outside the british economy but a break even point would need to be established - that said exports might pick up a bit as its difficult to pick up a fray bentos pie and 10 bensons in Karachi. Is there a downside to this plan?
  6. If I were made president/prime minister of the world I'd pass a law to the effect that all corporate income taxes have to be paid in the countries in which the revenues (not profits) are earned, and no jiggery-pokery with licensing their own brands/pencils/etc back to themselves so they get tax rebates on "losses", either. I'd also make a push to get a global effort together for space exploration/travel (well how else am I going to become president of the galaxy?)

    If limited to just our own small corner of this planet, I would probably focus on making politicians and CEOs accountable for their promises and actions (I like @Stan's idea above) and if there were still hours left in the day I'd copy @rickyrooo1 and make voting mandatory, and then add a "none of the above" option to the voting slips, so that anywhere that doesn't get over a certain percentage of votes for actual candidates has to hold another election in a month's time (by which time I hope the candidates would either change or come up with workable ideas that actually resonate with the people they represent).
    Merlin Cat and Stan like this.
  7. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    Can I introduce the death penalty for Peados? Might get the odd mistaken hanging but ho hum.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
    Colin likes this.
  8. Pea odos?
    pea.jpg ODO.jpg ODO.jpg
    Silver likes this.
  9. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    I' d make it law that when someone walks out in front of your car, especially those oiks who look at you as they do it, daring you to hit them, and especially when there is a perfectly good pedestrian x'ing within sight, that you can run the f**kers over with impunity :mad:

    Er, not that I have a bee in my bonnet about this you understand ;)
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
  10. I'd bring out the Colin's penal reform bill:

    If you get sent down, you get it hard, 5:30 wake up/slop out, 5:45 wash in silence, 6:15 breakfast in silence. 7:00 at your place of work which is basically a large stone, a sledge hammer and a 10mm sieve. When the stone is smashed up and has passed through the sieve you get lunch in silence. After lunch back to your place of work and the same again before evening meal in silence then a shower and lock up.

    If you can't break up your stone in time you get half rations, if your sick you get half rations etc. A bit harsh but it would cut back the number of re offenders
    volkswombat likes this.
  11. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    On a more sensible note, I'd introduce some law allowing you to recover costs and expenses from house purchasers that pull out for no reason pre exchange! You can rack up a lot of costs and its massively inconvenience because of the fad that seems to favour exchange one Friday and complete the following. I don't know why this has become fashionable, but it's a pain in arse. It's nearly impossible to move in a week without some prior preparation and if your going into rented you need to commit well in advance of exchange of contacts. Its all completely unfair on the sellers.
  12. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

  13. I vote dicky for prime-resident.
  14. really - try having a seller pull the plug on you after youve paid all the fees and got your finances in place!
  15. Whats wrong with just removing them from the gene pool!
  16. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    Yeah good point, I'm happy for either side to be able to recover any costs. I've never had a seller back out yet. I have had a rental pulled from under me after I'd paid for all my credit checks etc. I was actually thinking of Ricky when I typed the above, and my father in law who has spent a fortune clearing his place out and paying for rented, when he has no come back if the purchaser suddenly pulls out. I guess he would be about £8k out of pocket.
    Dicky likes this.
  17. [​IMG]
    fritt and Merlin Cat like this.
  18. PIE


    I would ban cats
  19. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I'd legislate to get rid of the House of Lords & the royal family
  20. I'm just a softie at heart, you can't hang someone for nicking a packet of spangles, just teach them a lesson
    Silver likes this.

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