what are your campers called?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tiny-Pie, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. Alice coz when i picked her up i told the large South African that we were thinking of a name for the van. He pushed his chest out and stated strongly......the van is called Alice, she has been Alice since 1977, she must stay as Alice'.

    So, we did and it worked out really well because we have now met the previous owners, so know more about Alice's history and her previous resto too ;o)
  2. Myrtle - green and gorgeous!!
  3. Mushy, due to the colour, but more likely the gear linkage!
  4. Ours is called Kermit and the trailer tent is called Miss Piggy because she follows Kermit where ever he goes. All because of our nicknames when we were a lot younger.
  5. Still trying to think of a name. GDF is the number plate so was thinking along the lines of Gadaffi or Gandalf but due to intervention of the kids the most popular choices at the mo are Frank or Kevin
  6. Bunbury from the Importance of Being Earnest. (A person whose name is used as an excuse to some purpose, especially to visit a place. )Our standard excuse when unwanted people want to visit, "Sorry we are Bunburying this weekend"
  7. My busses have been Brian (brighter side of life) - a 71, Jeff ( the name of all spiders or anything which doesn't have a name)- a 72 Earl (to with the Karma, This did not work out) - a 73.
    And now my 74, the 1st three were easy to name, this one took a while and comes from the series Spaced and a line Mrs MH and Birdy were sure that was said during an episode but it actually wasn't, 'Colin you little...... COLIN! Anyway I hadn't seen spaced but have recently sat down and watched all of them and I drive Colin (and it suites him) You little COLIN!

  8. Theresa cos its green (very green)
  9. Wilma's Sunday name is Big Wilma after her reg BWE the big Wilma experience :)
  10. Mr. Grey because I have a little alien called Mr. Grey. And he has always lived in my beetles and a panel van I had years ago.

  11. My kids always name mine! Sometimes okay!

    Oscar was not a bad name and works for me!

    Ladybird next I'm told! Lets hope it's red!
  12. Percy...after my late Grandpa whose initials were PRC :D
    He was a proper diy'er and all-round handyman (and brilliant at it too) so would have been delighted that we've bought something that will provide me with hours of fun tinkering with it
  13. Don't have a name but if I had to it might be Carson I suppose. Many moons ago I was preparing to travel to watch England (football) in the European championships as I would normally until the then manager Steve McClaren decided, in his infinite wisdom, to field a total flapper in goal during a qualifier who went on to let a goal in that my mum could have saved. We didn't qualify as a result and I spent the money i would have spent travelling on the bus. The goal keeper in question was Scott Carson (weapon!!!!!)
  14. Katie Denise due to her....... Being a lady ;)

    KDM for short :)
  15. Margot - 1978 Bay
    Amélie -1968 Bay
    Gigi - 1964 split
    Estée - 1968 Manx Buggy
  16. Jurgens Autovilla - The Jurgens.

    '76 Green Aussie.Started life as Orc after its' numberplate now Christine.
  17. Hope it doesn't get possessed and try to murder you!
  18. Losen og Blåmann :)

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