Westie Roof Rack (the moulded GRP ones)

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Moons, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Moons

    Moons Guest

    Got a question or two regarding the roof rack part of my Westie roof.

    I have a rear hinge so mine sits on the can, I undid the 4 screws around the edge, and the four bolts at the rear under the headlining - so good so far.

    Like others, mine has 4 our five drain holes, that drain onto the original tin roof, and down the gutters.

    My question is this - mine seems to have sealed some water in on occasion - I can see water marks on the tub showing the water has become trapped.

    Is the seal around the base supposed to be that tight - or am I missing something and its spaced a little away from the tin top? Has anyone else got this problem?
  2. been a while since I worked on one, but from what I remember is that it is a good fit... might just be a case of modifying it slightly so it drains out of the gutter better!!
  3. Moons

    Moons Guest

  4. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    The luggage bit on a front hinger just has a plan U shaped tidy-up type edging so the water and wind can blow about if that's any help.
  5. I'd suggest that on occasions the drain holes are getting blocked up by leaves etc. Stops them doing their job until they blow clear/you poke 'em...

    It's happened on mine a few times.

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