We lost one of our canine co-pilots today.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zebedee, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. Lucy our collie x. She'd been battling with cancer in her jaw for the past 18 months and doing really well, but over the past couple of weeks she'd gone downhill rapidly and today we had to make that awful decision to put her to sleep.:(


    To say we're both devastated is a massive understatement.
    We'd had her for over 13 years from when she was an 8 week pup.
    She never did really grow up and stayed as daft as a brush so fitted with us perfectly.:)


  2. so sorry for your loss owen nw
  3. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    So sorry to hear about the sad loss of Lucy.
  4. delilah

    delilah Sponsor

    Very sad sorry to hear this. Chin up both of you.
  5. RIP Lucy. Thoughts are with you - it's just awful losing a much-loved pet. She looks like a lovely pooch :hug:
  6. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  7. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    :( Sad news Zeb
  8. She didn't have an ounce of agression in her. The vet once tried to get her to bite her but she got licked instead.:)

    She was scared of everything. Thunder, fireworks, the hoover when we first got her, travelling in the car. The only place she felt safe was in the passengers side footwell.
    Fireworks fortnight:rolleyes: was a nightmare for her. All sense just went out the window when she got scared so she tried hiding in some weird spots, under the bed or on the shelf under table next to the sofa.

    She loved her home comforts. Like a nice cuppa.

    or stealing my bed when i got out of it.

    It got to the stage where she was being hand fed as she couldn't pick food out of her bowl herself and had a real trouble drinking. It just wasn't fair on her. She battled on for 18 months which is twice as long as any other dogs the vets knew that had the same thing.
  9. Sorry to hear about this. The last act of kindness you could give her was to make the most difficult decision for you.
    13 years of fun, friendship and love. :thumbsup: Keep the fond memories.
    Mrs Moosey and 3901mick like this.
  10. RIP Lucy :(. You did the right thing if she was suffering.

    Collies are the best!
  11. Sorry Martin & Fran xxx :hug:
  12. So so sorry to hear about poor lucy, I lost my girl at 14 so know what you're going through.... she looked like she had such an amazing life with you. I wish all dogs could have a life like you provided for lovely lucy... as good owners you know when to make that heartbreaking decision and you can do it because you love her... huge hugs and doggy kisses from my boys and me xxx
    3901mick likes this.
  13. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    It's never easy when one of the furry ones goes. :(
    Just remember that you did the right thing for her, you gave her a good life & then at the end she went with love & care :hug:
  14. So sorry for you all r.i.p
  15. sad news... its so hard when we have to make these decisions, i know how i was when i had to do it so my heart goes out to you all.
    its just brought a tear to my eye remembering my old mate, i'm not the soppy type but i cried for a week on and off when we took that call, didn't realy do that when one of my parents passed away.
    our pets have more pull on the heart i suppose....
  16. Very sad news :( My heart goes out to you n your family.

    I spend half my life saying "out the way dog" or "get down"
    Yet soon as they're not there,( they holiday at Granma's sometimes), it's like whoa where's the dogs, wish they were here!!!:rolleyes:
  17. Sorry for your loss mate, RIP lucy:(
  18. ahhh! sorry to hear that!
  19. She had a wonderful life with you and you took the best decision for her, not for you. That's all she would have wanted.

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