TV - What do you do?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by top banana racing, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Same package, same company, why are you paying £20 more?

    I was reading a post on another forum a while back, or was it this one? Anyway somebody had let their car insurance company renew auto for 10-20 years or so and only noticed when it got really ridiculously expensive. He complained to some standards authority and got a cheque for £10K (or some equally fantastical amount of money) based on simply being unreasonably overcharged for something. Insurance co paid up without a whimper.

    You're being shafted, you should advise them you're going to complain to the relavant authority whatever that is.

    Leccy (Eon) company cheated me out of £1500 over 10 years. After months getting nowhere other than seeing a pattern in their approach to fobbing me off, I had to threaten them with reporting to the police for organised and deliberate theft (which it was) and guess what, all of a sudden (20 minutes) it was sorry sir, there's £1500 in your bank account right now and an email containing reworked bills for 10 years - something that they claimed wasn't possible before the police were mentioned.

    These companies are breaking the law because it profits them. The profits outweigh the fines. They have departments devoted to stealing from you. They pay up before it gets to court, but only just so you have to properly threaten them to get anywhere.
    volkswombat likes this.
  2. I've had talk talk before, I'll keep it polite and just say I won't use them again!
  3. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I have to admit I only went for it because I was super skint and a meter reader pointed the problem out. That's how they get away with it. Their first reaction was that the meter reader had no business telling me! That's how practised and open about it they are. Every phone call answered by a different person. Every one of them started by saying "I don't know why they told you that". FFS they all sit in the same office and that's all they do. Either deliberate fraud or incompetence. Was I expected to suck that up?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2015
  4. JamesLey

    JamesLey Sponsor

    Only if it's live TV which we don't.
  5. We're not the freaks... it's everybody else. :) It's strange going round other peoples homes and seeing how important their television is to them. It numbs their brain and stifles conversation. Not saying I've got amazingly interesting things to say but it's got to be better than whatever tedious soap or reality show about fat/poor/stupid/criminal/attention seeking/wannabe's is on.

    And I don't have to lie to TV licensing anymore. :D
    zed likes this.
  6. See, there's 3 of us now @zed. :)
    JamesLey likes this.
  7. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    That's exactly how I feel. Same with TV in the pub. I don't have anything amazingly interesting to say either.
    But not everyone leaves the telly on when they have visitors luckily!
    JamesLey likes this.
  8. I think it's quite rude having the television on if you've got guests. And lazy. As for Television in pubs, what a way to kill conversation. And most importantly it makes you drink less.
  9. Even when footy is on....:beer:

    Blokes don`t have conversations in pubs ,we just watch tele play pool and generally talk about the barmaids assets...:thumbsup:
  10. Blokes, huh. The art of conversation is lost on you's. Love a game of pool though. And I'm sure the barmaids are flattered verily.
    lost-en-france likes this.
  11. I dont watch it much ,unless it has a bit of off the wall humour , trubble is i dont have the controls either :D, thats why i try n tawk on here init . Sorry but i need lots of humour o_O to get over the back ground soaps n hospital progs :eek:
    zed likes this.
  12. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Great post, so true. lol

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