Transvestites and lorry parks.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Poptop2, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    N udder git!
    Woodylubber likes this.
  2. I just love you guys. :lol:
  3. DUDE ! man up will you ?(please) it is a TRUCK! (park) lorry is just so well,,,, girlie !(the observant will note my subtle connection eh!) Tis a lonely existence the life of a Truck! driver.South Mimms my friend ,head off along the M25 , South Mimms is where every question you ever had re Truck driving /trannieism/the meaning of life and why fit females wish to enter your cab to discuss life insurance policies>>for the more "seasoned" of the LB crowd ,in days of your youth the request to "switch on the trannie, will ya" had no sexual connotations..despite wot you may have thought when the foppish art class teacher uttered said words.(as my head doctor tells me at the weekly session)
  4. ^^
    This :thumbsup:
  5. I've spent mny a good night in a truckstop.
    Please excuse ITALICS I can't switch them off on this keyboard. :(
  6. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    They were a place of fun and frolics.. They bore me now!
  7. Perhaps PT2 u need to score a couple of tickets for an ABBA tribute night? i think if you shimmied along to one such gig you may note a truck driver touching/expressing his feminine side is a sight to behold and ! you may meet some of your Truck driving mates.(do not ask me how i know that)
    Poptop2 likes this.
  8. I know of someone who goes out of his way on the way home from work to take a shower at the Lymm lorry park on the M6 , he likes to mingle with the truckers
    steveagain likes this.
  9. Jivedubbin, not that i would encourage u to out a LB member u understand? but >>this "friend" of yours ,is said friend a member of the LB ,per chance? just asking.(mingle , such a descriptive word)
  10. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    Or you could find these kind of pretty ladies at your truck stop.

    dog and Barneyrubble like this.
  11. they use the m20 as a lorry park some times:eek:
  12. SHEEEEEEEEEIITTEE Birdy I scrolled down and threw the laptop off.
  13. Is it @bernjb56 or @vanorak ?
  14. That's actually an improvement!
  15. It's certainly not me as I never have a shower....I believe that like hair, if left to its own devices, the human body will cleanse itself...another advantage of this strategy is that I always get a seat to myself on buses and trains:thumbsup:
  16. This would indicate that you're allowed out on your own?
  17. No sorry this person is not a member on here and it wouldnt be fair to name and shame but it is for real
  18. No and no its a mixed up kinda dude not a LB member and never will be
  19. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    I know of a mail order place in Norfolk if you need a supplier.
  20. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

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