Trailing arm bushes

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by yorkieman, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. Anybody got any idea how to remove the trailing arm bushes, mine don't seem to want to be changed!!!
  2. Either pull them out with a deep socket, and a length of threaded bar

    or, my personal favorite... burn them out with a blow torch... a bit stinky, so do it outside... heat up the central tube until you can push it out with a screw driver, then let it cool, and cut the rubber out with a hacksaw, then split the metal sleeve with a hacksaw

    either way is labor intensive... :thumbsup:
  3. Why do you want to change them?
  6. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    I wanted to replace everything which is rubber that I can as the van is completely stripped down to a shell and a pile of parts but, maybe if they won't come out they are ok and just need a clean and some graphite powder

    you may be dissapointed in a years time when most of the new rubber has perished and split, if the original stuff is still in good order, clean it and leave it in place

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