Today is Global Day of the Engineer

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Apr 3, 2019.

  1. Oh, well that's alright then.
    Gingerbus and snotty like this.
  2. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    Well as I am not qualified to wrangle spanners and only have a pass in a Southampton City College "introduction to welding" as anything close to the art of spannering, I need somebody to be capable.
    F_Pantos likes this.
  3. Somehow, I don't think that's the all the story......:confused: I think there's more too it :thumbsup:
    Gingerbus likes this.
  4. He does have a degree in Gentlemens’ Outfitting, tho’
    F_Pantos and Gingerbus like this.
  5. Which side does sir dress?
  6. Gingerbus

    Gingerbus Supporter

    I seem to recall that because I didn’t pass one module of the last year of BTEC at college I couldn’t call myself ‘an engineer’. Certainly couldn’t join the society of engineers.


    I did have a lot of fun blowing up capacitors in mains sockets and learning how to file the tops off low voltage bulbs, fill them with match heads, wrap them tightly with insulating tape and wiring them across mate’s vans courtesy lights though.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    nicktuft likes this.
  7. I’ve never heard of the Society of Engineers :confused:

    Belonging to any of these organisations is begger-all use in getting a job, so hardly worth bothering with, IMHO.
    Gingerbus likes this.
  8. He’s swung to the right recently, I heard.
  9. Dub and Dubber

    Dub and Dubber Supporter

    I think of myself as a "dynamic structures" engineer simply because the guy who started Osteopathy in the States in the 1890's (not a typo) was a mechanical engineer who got to grips with TB (this is pre- antibiotics) by applying the principle of "structure governs function" to the human body ..... There's obviously more to it than that, given all the built in self-regulating "mechanisms" (not just levers 'n that) and information feed back loops blah blah blah, but without that original engineer's idea ..............
    Gingerbus likes this.
  10. matty

    matty Supporter

    I’m a engineer and proud of it.

    Unfortunately it is a title that’s banded around all to easily now, nearly as bad as the term apprenticeship.
    F_Pantos, Gingerbus and snotty like this.
  11. Gingerbus

    Gingerbus Supporter

    Well it was nearly 40 years ago, not thought about it much since!
    Although I do think membership of some societies that require proof of vocational qualifications are useful in backing up one’s claims on a CV or Linked-In profile (a necessary evil these days when job hunting in some circles).

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Gingerbus

    Gingerbus Supporter

    And I did a three year ‘apprenticeship’ too!
    That was an experience...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. May I beg to differ? Try building a bridge and not be a Chartered Engineer, they won't so much as look at you...
    Gingerbus and nicktuft like this.
  14. Yep, I agree. In some industries, it’s an expectation.

    In mine, the main qualification was (given a level of competancy), are you any good at your job?
    Gingerbus likes this.
  15. Yep, I'll admit it does vary, by profession, but making the assumption that it won't help you get a job would be disingenuous.
    Gingerbus, snotty and nicktuft like this.
  16. Did you get sent for a long stand, sky hooks or tartan paint? The last one is my favourite :)
    Gingerbus likes this.
  17. We're agreed, then ;)
    F_Pantos likes this.
  18. nicktuft

    nicktuft Supporter

    There are lots of people out there with all sorts of qualifications saying this and that who cannot cut the mustard..
    It is worrisome when they have to make a decision that affects all of us.
    Full circle brexit:rolleyes:
    Gingerbus and F_Pantos like this.
  19. You weed most of those out at interviews ;)
    Gingerbus likes this.
  20. nicktuft

    nicktuft Supporter

    anyway this is the guy....
    Ferdinand Porsche

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