tlb Tatton Park Winter BBQ Saturday 10th December

Discussion in 'Shows Events You've Missed unless you went' started by 72wilma, Sep 16, 2011.

  1. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    we're looking forward to Tatton!!
  2. I went out for certain supplies today..... >:D
  3. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Ive got a new camera to take some sooper doopa photos on :)
  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    i've booked the friday afternoon off work so weather and funds allowing i'll camp fri and saturday night, but i won't be 100% til nearer the date. i'll add my name on the poll anyway but hopefully it won't annoy them if i pull out, do you think i should book anyway or will there be enough room with hook up if i do it nearer the time?
  6. Plenty of room plus it wouldnt matter if you cancel ,he wouldnt be bothered as I doubt the'll be many there this time of year ,there were 3 units last weekend.
  7. I've lost track of who's coming and when

    Me & Paley are coming on Saturday and staying over Sat night
  8. Fri and Sat for us and Sat during the day!
  9. It's........... beginning to look a lot like christmas ;)
  10. me and kt plus 2 friends who happen to be visiting from down sarf .not sure they will understand what its all about and havnt tolod them about it yet . we will only be coming saturday and may have to take friends around tatty house
  11. checking out the site this weekend, does anyone have any questions for us to ask, or need to know anything? let me know, don't think there's wifi and prob won't be online but you've all got till 4 today ;)
  12. We're down in Chorley that weekend visiting friends we haven't seen for years but it doesn't look like i'll be able to sneak off on saturday to come and see you all.
    Its only 30 miles away too. :(
  13. Hi, I've only just spotted your invite...mad busy at mo. Thank you for thinking of us, yes we are v v close to tatton, but unfortunately alfie is in bits! My hubby has a habit of dismantling and not re-assembling lol!
    Please give us s nudge if you plan any more outings near by, would be great to meet up. B x
  14. Count us in, me Amanda and the boys age 4 and 9 ,anyone else taking kids?
  16. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

  18. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Sure will mate!

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