Things you're not good at

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 72wilma, Dec 9, 2011.

  2. Delegation. Because if you want something doing properly, do it yourself.
  4. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Anything that requires manual dexterity - mechanics, computer games etc

    Anything that requires rhythm - dancing, drumming etc

    Going out after a day at work :(
  5. Staying calm!
  8. I am practically perfect in every way (burst out laughing)

    Lying :)
  9. Staying sober
  11. Spelling



    Paying attention
  12. Xmas shopping .what dooooooo they want
  13. rubbish at:

    Gardening I cant grow anything,

    arguing I always forget what we are arguing about and the missus runs rings around me :-[

    not eating junk food even thought I know its bad

    showing my emotions......I sulk BIG time :mad:
  14. 1. not very good at winning the lottery
  15. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

  16. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    Marriage :lol:
  17. Spellerings
    Eating only one chocolate out of the box.
    Being Happy, Grumpy old git comes natural to me.
    Arty things havnt got the patience.
  19. Doing stuff with my left hand

    I found this out the hard way when breaking my right wrist when I was 15

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