Things you're not good at

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 72wilma, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. I'm dreadful with video cameras and in a very fixed selection process I was given the task of recording the Nativity plays - both of them!

    Uploading video to the computer of yesterdays Nativities , now down to editing and making them watch-able.

    Obviously for the parents they're going to be marvellous because their little precious' are in them but the filming does have a certain 'mood' to it, I'm thinking Tarantino-esque :eek:

    Definitely not good at filming even worse cobbling it together to make an end product. ::)

    Good job we don't charge for the DVD ;D

    Ok, spill, what are you bad at? And proud enough to say ;)
  2. - ironing

    - anything too technical

    - walking the dog in the winter!

    - maths

    ummmm wow the list could go on and on :thinking:
  3. 1) fixing camper engine

    2) remembing my shopping lists ;)

    3) Spelling

    4) Puff pastry loooooooooooooooooooool

    Think will finish there hahaha
  4. Proves my point .
    Women are good for 1 thing only :thumbsup:
  5. Seriously only joking :eek:
  6. I am rubbish at cleaning

    I'm also bad at maths & find anything that requires fine motor control really difficult (like sewing or knitting)

    I'm also really bad at being bad at things so if it's not achievable the first time I will rarely try again
  7. Cleaning, making pastry, being coordinated, my current job :(, remembering things, singing... the list goes on!
  8. 1. Maths
    2. Having any patience
    3. Lying
    4. Keeping calm
    5. Building anything
  9. 1. Sewing
    2. Singing
    3. Keeping a big secret (or even a small secret)
    4. Drawing
    5. Having patience

    I could go on for a lonnnnnngg time but this is my top 5
  10. 1. times tables
    2. spelling
    3. going to bed early
    4 getting up early
    5 parking
    6 sit ups
    7 press ups
    8 handstands
    9 doing a cartwheel
    10 connecting the camera to the laptop
    11 anything engine related
    12 finding my phone when it's ringing

    bek -" apart from the above practically perfect in every way " :)
  11. work/life balance......... ::)

    must get a bigger set of scales....
  14. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    Platform games on playstations and the like. I don't have eye hand control in my left side.
  15. Following sat nav instructions. I always end up in a grim housing estate or a supermarket car park
  16. remembering things. i cant remember things very well. my mind is full of fairies.

    tact. sometimes i just say what i am thinking. without remembering to think it through

    eating vegetables. theyre yeuch. gimme red meat and sweets all day long.

    management. i cant stand all the political ***** that goes with it. i cant stand obsequiousness and dont care who i offend in this regard.

    remembering not to take the mickey. some people cant take it. i forget. I can be called anything without giving two hoots what someone calls me. i forget that not every one is like me. The wan.........

    ambition. i have none other than to leave work on the dot at 5.30pm. I gave up on astronaut when i found out i'd have to be an American citizen to become one when i was 10. Even then i knew being Scottish couldnt be beaten. :p
  17. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Plumbing - i can design systems very big and very elaborate systems , but i have to be the worlds worst hands on plumber - ever :-[

    Auto electrics .

    Diplomacy .

    Singing .

    playing guitar .

    Bidding on ebay .

    swimming the channel .

    Breathing in space .

    aquadiving .

    Russian .

    German .

    carpet laying .

    Making seaside rock .

    spelling .

    topiary .


    drums .

    Carol singing.

    growing vegetables .

    picking lottery numbers .

    trumpet .

    auto spraying .

    archeology .

    watch repairs .

    Physics .

    Playing piano -----------------------------------------------
  18. Anything electrical
    Anything mechanical
    Anything to with bodywork

    All the things preferable for van ownership!

    Also, ironing, cooking, singing, knitting, running, jogging....................etc etc etc
  19. Remembering stuff - I have a memory like a sieve

    Being tidy and organised
  20. sleeping in :(
    resisting the temptation to eat biscuits
    remembering stuff the wife says ( selective memory i say ;) )
    other languages

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