The engine shop

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by David a, Jun 29, 2022.

  1. matty

    matty Supporter

    Ok as long as you are in no hurry i ordered something for the car and it was about 3 weeks despite it being in stock and before people jump on the Brexit reason I've just bought a motorbike helmet from Germany and it arrived in 2 days.
  2. They are quite slow. I've had two orders recently which arrrived fine, but took about two weeks. Nothing to do with Brexit - they're just slow.
  3. To go back to your original question, I have had a TES type 1 1641 'red' engine in my bus for about 7 years. No problems so far after thousands of miles around Normandy, Wales, the Midlands, Cambridgeshire, Devon and Dorset.
    Lasty, Soggz and snotty like this.
  4. Just as well you aren’t a motorcycle helmet exporter then
  5. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

  6. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    ‘Helmuts Helmets’?
    The Drama Man likes this.

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