Swearing Policy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Honky, May 31, 2012.

  1. Moons

    Moons Guest

  2. I used to work for a Wang dealership!
  4. Doesn't it seem silly that something as simple as variations of the words feces or vagina would have to be regulated and banned? Poop, crap, Marmite, terd, feces, bowel movement- all mean precisely the same thing, but some words are acceptable while others are not? It's the most preposterous thing I've ever heard of.
    Nothing against the administration of TLB, for this madness is a global phenomenon.
    Some might say crap is crude in comparison to feces. How this could be, as the definition is identical, is beyond me, but let's let that slide for the moment.
    What if I simply wanted to be crude? It may be a fitting element in a particular story. How is that hurting the etymological puritans? Will the poor dears require therapy to cope with having been subjected to my verbal crudeness? Will making all these rules and regulations save their children from ever being subjected to these mysteriously lethal synonyms?
    Oh thank you. Sorry 'bout all that. Feeling much better now.
  5. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

  6. oh no! cream is cream :(

    I'll still use magnolia :)
  7. For what its worth, which isn't much probably, I don't see the need for swearing on a forum.

    Yes, I swear in real life but that often just happens. When you are on a forum you have time to type a post and be as eloquent as you like with your grammar. So there really is no need for swearing, you can put your point across just as easily as f'ing and jeffing.

    Told you it wasn't much.
  8. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  11. I took my masters degree in swearing when I was on the tools. On building sites when I was the youngest and greenest behind the ears. Ive been subjected to p taking by the best. Relentlessly and mercilessly. Using language so colourful you could paint a damian hurst with it. Over time I grew to be able to compete in this offensive banter. Bit by bit I earned my stripes. Now I am immune and desensitised.

    Sometimes a swear word is needed. It is more than just a bit of filthy language. Sometimes a swearword can perfectly fit where half a dozen adjectives would have struggled to convey the emotion of the description. It is in these times I believe they should be used.

    It is the flippant use that needs curtailing. When you overuse a word it loses it impact. They should be used carefully and placed just so.

    Mind you sometimes a good *****Marmitetits*******cuntbollocks just happens.

    The correct use of the words would be murder to moderate. What for me is normal. Is shocking for others. Its all subjective based upon experience.

    You'd be damned if you do and damned if you dont. Your better of not having to worry about it and just not do it. Its easier and less likely to offend. The only people who would be midly miffed are the thick skinned plebs like me but I am thick skinned so...oh well...
  14. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  15. Is the no swearing thing because it's meant to be a family site? I can't believe they'd be any children in here anyway, surely they'd be playing violent video games or looking at porn?
  17. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

  19. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    Cheers something positive :)

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