Spare wheel on front ... without cover?

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by marowak, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. I agree that the 4 x 4 Wheel covers withe centre disc colour coded look really good will post some piccies soon showing the carrier fitted to the rear
  2. pample had the Berlin Box on the front, and the spare drops doen between the bumper and front, so cant fit a cover.
  5. extra sun exposure?
    :eek: lets not get carried away ,water yeh ;D
  7. ;)I really didn't want our spare on the front for aesthetic reasons, but in the end it was really the most sensible option as we'd lose too much room on the 3/4 width r+r.

    Now I love it. We have VW baby moon hubs on but they're sprayed chrome so not shiny. I'd get them all re-chromed properly and buffed up but likelihood is that we'll get alloys after a tickle from the lowering stick, so I'll get a cover for the spare so you can't see that the tyres don't match.

    Good idea photoshopping it first. I'll stick a pic of Arthur's nose up for you when we get home. Haven't noticed any issues with rusting when not covered, ours has been on just over a year.

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