solstice tmw

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. Happy Solstice , I shall be spending it doing mothers garden, neighbours garden, washing the dog, taking down the raised beds in our garden , to move the runs and sheds tomorrow and painting some more of Ollie! Then maybe a Pimms or two ;)
    paradox likes this.
  2. A campsite overlooking the Medway, do you own a transit and a caravan then?
  3. What could possibly go wrong? :D
  4. I thought they'd moved on since the waste dump had closed. :D
    beatnick likes this.
  5. I'm off to a friends farm with some 80-100 people. gonne be a good party :beer:
    Mrs Moosey and rickyrooo1 like this.
  6. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I know it's summer solstice for you but for us it's winter solstice ........... days get longer from tomorrow ;)

  7. :) - i will report back assuming my wheels aren't stolen overnight
    beatnick and brothernumberone like this.
  8. bit dangerous eating curry with them white sheets init :eek:
  9. enjoy your time in sunny medway! if you need to find anything local or know any good spots pm me as i live here. a good place to view from is from bluebell hill at the top of the a229 where you can watch the sun go down overlooking wouldham / maidstone from a public car parkarea. not far from me.
  10. have you been to medway too lol
    brothernumberone likes this.
  11. thanks - we are going to leobay camping at queenbrough so aim to pitch up and saunter into town for a look around, have a beer and get some grub and the spend the evening sitting around overlooking the marshes etc. its only 30 minutes from us so thought we would take a look as its always handy to have local quick getaway. this ones got to compete with our favourite, school house farm camping in staplehurst, so its got its job cut out.
  12. Me and mrs bno have just been on holiday and we stopped at stone henge on Wednesday. God, what an awful tourist infested theme park that's become. They've moved the car park a mile or so down the road and there's a huge gift shop filled with 'henge crap, you then get on a Disney style train thing which takes you the mile to the stones and you walk round them behind a barrier. Plus you have to pay £15 to look at something you technically own anyway.
    We then went to sillbury hill, kennett long barrow and Avebury which were just as spectacular in their own way and had almost no one there. Strange how some places become disproportionately popular. I'd go to avebury to celebrate the solstice I reckon.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2014
    volkswombat and paradox like this.
  13. ill have to look them up:) we got to a small campsite near seal seveoaks on occasions just to get away:) enjoy ur weekend:)
  14. Oh you poor soul, you're coming to the Island.It will be more than your wheels missing. School house is good though.
  15. Rushenden would appear to have gone up in the world! Bartons point has improved...the cafe is quite presentable too as is the toilet block. The chainsaw artistry is interesting...think he's finished there now though .
  16. I like Bartons point, there has been some effort put in to it. There is a solstice festival there today and tomorrow with bands and beer tents.
  17. never understood the relevance in a modern world ,of summer and winter solstice ..?
    we have electricity and lights...:D
  18. :lol:
  19. Faust

    Faust Supporter

    Up to Arbor Low stone circle to hummm to the sun .... then off up to Minning low for a sacrifice , the sacrifice is me as ive got to keep off the booze as i'am driving everybody up there .
    Flakey likes this.
  20. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Yep must be summer now as studio Christmas catalogue has just been on TV.
    beatnick likes this.

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