Sir Jimmy Savile Dies Aged 84

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kenzie, Oct 29, 2011.

  2. my mother stated and when ye think of it ,shes right , there all up in arms now why didnt they speak out when he was alive , she says when u think of it there parents that where to blame they through them at jimmy so they could get on tv , when enough when u think about it, but still very WRONG , OWEN NW
  3. And of course we will /should haul Jimmy page(led zep) into court re the very well documented time he had his 14yoa "female partner hidden from American authorities,(on tour) and the stones bass(x) player 4 marrying a 13 year old , and dig up john peel re his (in his own words) admission in interview his sexual intentions re underage American female fans at the studio doors. let the courts decide, there can be smoke without a fire , in certain cases, as my x missus told me , when i refused to sign the divorce papers she so desperately wanted signed " i only have to make the allegation " and you will be forever tainted/ known as,....!and like that fella wrongly tared as a pedo , was murdered by the mob, wasn"t a pedo thou!the truth will out .
  4. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Normally I'm with you on that ^^ I think.
    This case is unprecedented though in terms of the sheer numbers of people now making allegations.
    If rumours are true, a large number of household names will be outed during the investigation. Dont be surprised if "stars" of that era start leaving the country...
  5. Well not that I agree with his actions ,I think the definition of a true Paedophile is somebody who is has a sexual interest in prepubescent children not 14,15 year olds.
  6. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    in the famous words of nessa off gavin and stacey "where's the book pete" (townsend) there's another one......

    keith chegwins gone a bit quiet.
  7. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    There are some pretty messed up allegations surfacing today.
  8. listened to them to day and was amazed at some of the CRAPP people are coming out with , think micheal jackson ,cathloic priests ,when we where young here in ireland if we had of said a priest had touched me or even thought of it we would have been battered to a pulp by our mother and fathers , now say it , they would now be taken out and shot , i hate priests , owen nw
  10. Well all i can say can we stop paying for a bbc tv license. as i blame them for allowing it to go on behind closed doors...
    as for the Family of jimmy ordering his head stone to be removed is a good move. obviuosly no one who had been molested had not been mentaly scared enough to go and smash it to bits, or even, report him when he was alive..
    or perhaps they did and no one believed them
  14. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

  16. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    I'd have got away with it if it wasn't for those pesky kids!

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