Rolling tax exemption

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LewBLew, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. Finally!! Confirmation that tax exemption is continuing to roll

    "2.165 Vehicle Excise Duty classic vehicle exemption – As announced at Budget 2014, from 1 April 2016 a vehicle manufactured before 1 January 1976 will be exempt from paying VED. (Finance Bill 2015)"
    mp_90 likes this.
  2. Woohoo!!!
  3. In case anyone wondered, the Finance Bill 2015 extended it to vehicles constructed before 1 January 1975 from 1 April 2015 and of course last year's budget started the ball rolling at 1 January 1974 as we all know.

    So while it's not officially 'rolling' George is manually prodding the ball every year.
    davidoft likes this.
  4. Let's hope he prods it again next year for all us 76ers. If he's still there :cool:
    deadturtle likes this.
  5. Lazy Andy

    Lazy Andy Supporter

    Is this worth voting tory.... :thinking:

    Build date : 15th June 1975 :)
  6. Never .... :D:D:D:D

  7. PIE


    Last time the Labour were in they stopped it straight away!!
  8. U can't beat the feeling the day this arrives!

    Attached Files:

    baygeekster likes this.
  9. PIE


    3TNC and LewBLew like this.
  10. [​IMG]
  11. Agreed .
    Which is why - despite the moral implications and much soul searching - i refuse to vote for any of the current crop of beige nobodies , haven`t a set of balls between `em...

    Shysters to a man (or woman ...) , out for themselves .

  12. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    As I hate all political parties equally, I'd say yes it's far more valuable in cash terms than any paltry change they're likely to make to tax system. How much is it per year to tax a van. I forget? :D
    Lord Congi, bernjb56 and Lasty like this.
  13. Lazy Andy

    Lazy Andy Supporter

    What about Ed Balls? :D
    Lasty likes this.

  14. B`stard ..... :)

    @Lasty - 1 year to go ...

  15. Touche` ... :D:D

    Lazy Andy likes this.
  16. Pudelwagen

    Pudelwagen Supporter

    It's really unfair. What's the difference between a 1975 bus and a 1979 bus? Surely if they are the same design they should both be tax exempt. For Christ's sake don't they make enough out of fuel tax from these thirsty machines!
    3TNC likes this.
  17. Razzyh

    Razzyh Supporter

    By my calculations there's about 4 years difference ;)
    3TNC likes this.
  18. A '75 is a historic vehicle. A '79 is an old banger and should be scrapped for everyone's safety.
    sANDYbAY, Barneyrubble and Pudelwagen like this.
  19. mines a 75 but a December 75 so i have to wait for aaaaaaages still :(
  20. Only until April 1st 2016. That's not long :cool:
    bluething likes this.

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