Rivalry - it's only fun but why?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rickyrooo1, Jun 12, 2013.


What's best pick one and specify your reasoning.

  1. split - any type, they're all nice to look at but best left for christmas mugs.

  2. early - any type used to practice on by vw to create the best?

  3. crossover - ultimate? free tax, big ears and disc brakes

  4. late - that's why you're here, but are you only dreaming of another woman?

  5. t25/t3 - well at least you can get a diesel one

  6. t4 - because the aa and builders can't all be wrong

    0 vote(s)
  7. t5 - because you're moving to france and your bay will never get fixed.

  8. fiat/pug/citroen coachbuilt - because you need a comfy bed and an onboard bog.

  1. We had this discussion on the way to Deva when we were (shock, surprise!) overtaken by two rather lovely vw's, one was a t25 and the other a t4, both slammed and mat black and had obviously had time and attention spent on them.

    And that's the point, I don't really like t4 and t5's they're too boxy, too transit van, but if someone takes that level of care then you have to admire the van, not my thing but I can appreciate that their vw love is the same as I have for Wilma.

    There will always be a hierarchical opinion to vw's, this is how prototype bay formed and subsequently late bay. People feel the need to differentiate between vehicles as it makes their choice of vehicle somehow 'better'. It must be really sad to own one type of vehicle whilst lusting after another.

    Fortunately we hit lucky with our money pit and I wouldn't want a splitty to replace her, but if anyone has a spare so42 then I'll take it off your hands :D
    Terrordales likes this.
  2. Late double top moonraker 2L
    got mine to go camping in and by far the most practical conversion for myself.
    72wilma likes this.
  3. spongebob

    spongebob Supporter

    Corrected that for you..;)

    Wouldn't swap my late bay for another camper, but would have a late bay double cab, for going shopping...
    Lord Congi likes this.
  4. For me ,if it looks like a bus ,sounds like a bus and the owner looks poor/skint /worried> its a bus and I luv it (thou am up for adding a pops up roof bit cos I would like to be able to stand up in my camper.
  5. Tax free Crossover wins for me as I have one:cool: , used to have a matt black 74 tintop, kept banging my head so poptop gives my bonce more space,
    Splitties...nice looking but to pricey and small.
    T25's good heater but to me ...ugly as only 80's cars can be.
    T4/T5 expensive transit copies...do not expect me to wave at you if you drive one of these, I mean even the engines in the wrong place:)
    steveagain likes this.
  6. All I wanted was a camper to go camping, but if I was going to buy a camper its had to be a VW the rest was down to what I could afford with the budget I had at the time :thumbsup: & I'm so glad I bought the one I did :D...
  7. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Tbh i like most of them, but we are late bayers so we have to defend our own model and it's usually at the expense of other models, aircooled is the thing though isn't it! :thumbsup:
    steveagain likes this.
  8. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    nope, if I could diesel mine the engine would be out in a flash........ Subaru looks and goes good but the cost is a big no for me........ if and when my engine or box goes i'll have a dilemma which may involve a change I guess.
  9. Everybody loves splitties but ermmm not me to be honest, well theyre ok but never wanted one. I always wanted an prototype bay, dare i say it! Tintop early/ late will do me. I have a crossover Devon and I do love him but he was up til now called the eventual mortgage deposit! I would love another 60's bug again too, eventually hehe :)
  10. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Yeah but you're a diesel breath and all this aircoooled stuff is a bit weird for you ;)
  11. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    i'm getting used to the aircooled stuff now to be fair I do like the simplicity of the older engines, that said if my electronic dooby flips on the fuel injection go all squiffy and they don't work if I waggle them and shout at them i'll be stuck.
  12. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Might be time to do them then?

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