Replacing super viking gas struts

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by yorkshirecampers, Apr 4, 2012.

  2. Wahoooooooooooooooooooo 2 knackered old gas struts OUT, 2 shiny new gas struts IN

    Roof CONQUERED! O0
  3. Divorce narrowly avoided
  4. so you can keep it up all night then
    the ROOF
  7. I need to do this - I bought some new, had them fitted and they snapped the first time I tried to lift the roof. So, now I have to remove the damaged ones, have the old ones re-gassed and start again. Am not impressed.

    Am wondering if I should have a go myself having read this?
  9. I put new gas struts on our super viking but found in strong winds that the roof blew down, so came up with these.


    A plate with a thread in middle screwed to roof and gutter clamp on the other end, plastic conduit tubing to cover threaded bar to neaten things up.

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