Yep got a take the handle of as you will need to remove the lock from in side to undo the small screw holding the lock barrel on
Yep, thanks I did that and it was a lot easier than I thought. One word of warning, when you have undone the lock and separated it from the mechanism don't drop it inside the door skin ! It takes about two and a half hours to fish it out much swearing and skinned fingers trying to get it to fit through a circular hole at the bottom of the door. Don't waste your time trying this it doesn't fit I managed to jam a piece of wire in the keyhole through the hole at the bottom of the door. Then fed another piece of wire down inside the door skin and out the hole, joined the wires and pulled it up. Now struggling to get the chrome ring off, back on it tomorrow.
for the crome ring just use a small screwdriver and pry up the bits that are pushed down but don't slip be careful then when you finshed it's reverse but don't drop it in the door
Yep, lock done and replacing tonight. Happy to donate my spare wafers to Techenders, I'm never ever ever going to need them........ am I I managed to move some around into other slots and shaved a couple to fit, so I'm happy If no techenders takers I'll post them for free on the parts thread.
One other piece of learning - make sure the screw holding the door lock to the sliding door mechanism is the right one. Much head scratching, swearing and bemusement when my lock wouldn't work on the mechanism but worked perfectly off The lock had never worked as I didn't have a key and I finally sussed out that a PO had used a different screw. The screw hole in the body is open ended and the screw was long enough to stop the cylinder from turning Now sorted
I I have a couple of locks to look at TE if I get chance. Might have a use for them if you could bring them along.
Sorry guys I've just realised I've still got my ignition lock to sort. I have a shout out for an original one, which is going to be hard to find but just in case one turns up I'll need the wafers I have. I'll give it a week or so searching and then gift them. So they won't be available for techenders, have a good one!
A big thank you for posting this; I have just cleaned 40 years of gunk out of my door lock and it now works again. I didn't want to end up having a key for each lock so this was invaluable. Cheers
@Ian Jones wafers in the post. I've included the springs, you shouldn't need them but someone might. Good luck with your locks
@allibus wafers have arrived many thanks. A couple of questions my ignition and front doors are on the key with the black head and the slide and the rear are on the other but the black headed key does not fit in the other locks so what do I need to make one key fit all. Plus I have got a engine lid lock on its way to sort aswell
Oh dear! oh dear, that's not good. The black head locks, as you call them, are replacements and not original. You have original on the slide and rear however never the twain shall meet, or in short you can't re-key the black headed ones in this method or with those wafers. I don't know if there is a way of re-keying the black ones however you will still end up with two keys, one for black one for original. Options Buy a complete new lock set Buy second hand door handles with original locks. You'll find it very difficult to get an original ignition lock.