Ratio of RHD and LHD bays

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by matty, Dec 16, 2022.


Do you have a RHD or a LHD

  1. RHD

    42 vote(s)
  2. LHD

    27 vote(s)
  1. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    RHD Devon with original interior
  2. Rhd Devon with no original interior. Ripped it out about 15 years ago
  3. I reckon it would be 40:1 ratio here in Australia

    Hardly ever see a LHD
  4. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

    RHD Devon pop-top, Type 1 1776cc, nothing original about the interior.
  5. LHD Westfalia SO72 cross-over with original, but restored, Westy interior. (The US importer removed the rear facing seat behind the driver and added a 3-way fridge and hob in it's place).

    Cupboard-tastic!!! You can't move for them.
    EggBoxes likes this.
  6. LHD German spec Westy Berlin imported about twenty years ago:thumbsup:
  7. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    1972 Early Late Bay RHD with original pop top and Honey Brown Tartan bunk beds.Home made interior with full width bed.:thumbsup:
    theBusmonkey likes this.
  8. ginger ninja

    ginger ninja Supporter

    Cali Westy campmobile deluxe (Berlin).
  9. DamonW

    DamonW Supporter

    Same as mine
    philntfc likes this.
  10. nicktuft

    nicktuft Supporter

    RHD 73 westy continental original.
    Meltman likes this.
  11. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

    LHD 78 Landmark partial original interior
    scrooge95 likes this.
  12. Meltman

    Meltman Sprout Lover

    Mine is the same, Sumartra green also.
    nicktuft likes this.
  13. areksilverfish

    areksilverfish Supporter

    ..lhd german spec last edition sunroof microbus deluxe converted to pop top camper by myself (riviera roof) with westfalia modified helsinki interior and matching numbers cj 2 litre engine with drla 40s dells
    theBusmonkey likes this.
  14. DubCat

    DubCat Sponsor

    SA import RHD. Dry state SA buses are great for lack of rust BUT having had its former life as a Soweto taxi, every and I mean EVERY moving part was shagged, as was the electrical system. NB SA East Coast (garden route) is worse for rust than UK.
    Purple, theBusmonkey and Lasty like this.
  15. RHD 73 Westy continental, doubt there's much original left. Imported from the UK to Switzerland, so right, but wrong.
    theBusmonkey likes this.
  16. Gauteng Province (GP) plate by any chance?
  17. theBusmonkey

    theBusmonkey Sponsor

    Sounds like there's a story there somewhere that needs expanding on the How Many RHD Westy Continentals thread?
  18. DubCat

    DubCat Sponsor

    TJ actually (Transvaal Johannesburg), the GP plate came later, my missus just informed me. (She's a saffo). I only know it as all the windows have been etched with the original reg.
    Purple and theBusmonkey like this.
  19. Me too - came from RCC Imports.

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