Rain rain rain

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fearny, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. £40 for Wellies??!!

    Were they self drying/self heating?!
  2. the heavens have just opened here - just in time for my lunch hour ....
  3. We have had 3 torrential downpours here this morning :-(
  4. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

  5. It's sunny!!! Look!!!!!

    Ignore the clouds over there, they must be heading away, surely...

  6. no rain where i am just sunshine and very hot ;D
  7. cue music, 'The sun'll come out tomorra, bettcha bottom dollar that tomorra there'll be sun'
  8. We are off to the Isle of white tomorrow for 3 nights

    Looks like its going to be beautiful


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