Rain rain rain

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fearny, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. So the Met Office say the "heavy rain isn't going to go away for the forseeable future...oh the joys!!

    I've just looked up the next 5 days...yup, RAIN! :mad:
  2. Yup, looks like bug jam is going to be like swamperjam. :(
  3. In a way i'm glad we chose this year not to go to any shows and do the van up...on the flip side i'm not getting much work done on the van because it's so miserable!
  4. Ive got Friday off I take the alloys of ate jeep to have the powder coated but it will be done come rain or shine :(
    On a plus side I may get overtime for checking one of my buildings has not flooded due to a roof weak :) or as we call it bucket watch
  5. I bought 4 spare wheels (with tyres) so I can rip mine off and see if I can clean them up myself...wonder if the Wife will let me try this inside the house...
  6. i have 2 local classic car shows this weekend to go to

    lets see if these turn into a mud bath
  8. rain, in one word

  9. Perhaps we need a thread in the campsite section for campsites good in the rain/monsoon season?
  10. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    In all seriousness (i know) does anyone have an interest in weather and the reasons for this freak "summer" one of the lads at work was on about the jet stream being in the wrong place and forcing the wet weather further south than usual for this time of year but i switched off as it just sounded like he was exageratting a daily fail story.
  11. It's all to do with the el niño current. This is a jet stream of air that constantly flows around the earth on a predetermined course. During the British summer this current usually flows above Scotland and draws the warm air, and warm weather, up from the southern hemisphere which in turn brings us sunshine and warmth.

    This year, as with the last, the current has for some reason dropped lower than normal and is flowing either along the south coast or a little lower so that the poor weather is brought over from the Atlantic and also sucked down from the north.

    That's the basics anyway.
  12. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    Sort of what he said at work then, so basically we are stuffed? or is there hope of a late summer?
  13. If the current decides to return to its correct place then yes. There are many varying factors that come into play that we have no control over or even truly understand. Such as the magnetic forces caused by the swirling iron core of the earth (which may or may not be on the switch) global warming (which actually means more extreme weather, not just getting hotter) and others. Nobody can really predict what the el niño current will do accurately but I will stick my neck out and say August/September will be better weather but I doubt we will see a glorious summer.
  14. I need to correct myself, the el niño current is the warm channel of water that flows around the earth. The jet stream is the one that effects the weather.

    Thank you
  15. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  16. A fairly good explanation courtesy of the met office:

    There are many factors which can impact the notoriously changeable weather in the UK, so no single one on its own can be said to be fully responsible. However, it is possible to isolate contributing factors and, in this case, one of those is the northern hemisphere jet stream. This is a narrow band of fast flowing westerly winds (ie blowing from west to east) in the high atmosphere. This band moves around and also changes its track, from a fairly straight line to something more closely resembling a meandering river. Its position can, and does impact weather in the UK and other parts of the northern hemisphere.

    In both March and April we have seen what we term a ‘blocking pattern’ in the jet stream, where it meanders north and south instead of making its more usual eastward progress. Despite this, March was the 3rd warmest and 5th driest March in the all-UK record going back to 1910, while April has so far been relatively cool with rainfall already 30% above the average for the whole month across England and Wales. So what is causing the difference?

    It comes down to the position of the blocking feature. In March, the meandering of the jet stream caused it to pass to the north of the UK – anchoring high surface pressure over the UK. This suppressed cloud, increased sunshine and temperatures, and prevented the usual rain-bearing Atlantic weather systems coming in from the west from reaching us.

    Soon after the start of April, however, the whole pattern moved westwards, so the peak of the northerly meander moved over the North Atlantic Ocean. The UK, in contrast, found itself under the adjacent southerly meander, with the jet stream passing to the south of the UK over France and Spain. This atmospheric set-up brings low surface pressure, cloud and rain. Because the pattern is still blocked, without a west-to-east jet stream to blow the weather system through, the low gets stuck over the UK, resulting in high rainfall totals overall.

    Like the weather, we can predict the path of the jet stream with a good deal of accuracy up to about five days ahead but it is more difficult to give detail on longer timescales. Therefore it’s not possible to say exactly what the jet stream will be doing in a month’s time, for example, or exactly how it will impact our weather.
  18. I demand SUN! :mad:
  19. you simply cant please people - they complain if it rains - they complain if its too hot ...

    i think a lot of companies will be hit my the weather this year - events off / unsold summer items etc .... but on the flip side - umbrella sales are up 217% on this time last year
  20. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    myself and young Mr Iggle Piggle went off in search of wellies at Camperjam, the cheapest pair we could find was £26.99 - soon to be increased to £40.00 per pair later the saturday.

    Based on this and the fact its rain, rain, rain, I guess wellington boot sales are the future :lol:

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